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anyone ever used Kordon Rid Ich +


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i have some kordon Rid Ich + leftover from when i had a freshwater tank. I have a fish that seems to cant ged rid of ich and i want to do something before its to late. Its eating normal and seems to act normal. Ive had him for almost 10days but he seems to have 3 spots of ich that wont go away. my water seems in check im doing weekly water changes and soaking the food in garlic... the other 2 fish i have (clowns) dont show any signs... it seems the spot of ich move or fall off and 3 more appear, cant tell. I have a Qt tank setup about 3weeks ago. i used the water from my main tank and have a skimmer on it. I feel really confident i can catch the fish within 2 attempts since it comes to my hand or to the top of the tank when im near. My question is.. should i go ahead and QT him and start a form of treatment? and if so.. should i use the kordons rid ich + i have or go buy something else? Ive been looking around on forums doing research. right now im just stuck between QT or continue to feed and weekly water changes and see how the fish does.

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yah this morning i looked at the tank and i couldnt find any ich.... should i always soak my food in garlic or just when i show signs up stress or sickness? i think the garlic extreme is making my water smell like pee or something it stinks

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Characterizing Rid Ich + as snake oil is either irresponsible or uninformed. The combination of malachite green and formalin has been the ich treatment of choice for at least 40 years. The main drawback in saltwater tanks is that it may dye objects in the aquarium, i.e. rocks, ornaments, silicone, but it has always been an effective anti-protozoan medication. Treatments that have proved their efficacy over decades, when used correctly, are an essential part of a hobby such as ours and can be of great help when circumstances cause a disease outbreak. The biggest challenge is determining what disease/pathogen one might be dealing with and which of the myriad of medications one can use. It's almost a blessing when symptoms are so clear cut that you can readily make a diagnosis and even more fortunate to have a medication available that has been proven an effective treatment.

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Sorry, I confused Kordon Rid-Ich with Kordon Ich-Attack, which is their "organic, reef-safe" treatment I used once.

Didn't realize Rid-Ich had formalin and malachite green in it, which is what you want to use in quarantine treatment.

As mentioned above, I wouldn't use it in the DT though.

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