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various corals in 1 thread instead of lots of spam.


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I have a large orange digi that does not appreciate my halides. It bleaches when I place it under the halides and quickly recovers when I move it to a more remote area of my tnak. I'd rather move it out than keep it there. This is a full colony with slight damage here and there from being moved around but over all a very large and nice piece.

I also have some smaller 2-3" pieces that were broken when moved.

green button paly's. Here and there as I get them. They attach to small rocks and I move them to the holding area.

ultra blue with slight teal/green rim mushrooms. Nothing really fancy here but they went from a dull purple to ultra blue/turquoise in my tnak. I have a rock with about 12 on it. Shrooms are selling at $5-$10 each these days.

Caribbean frilly mushroom. I really like these but I bought 20 at once and some have receded back and some have never attached. I have a few right where I want them and the rest can leave. Very nice purple, green, and some have a tint of orange. These are like a cross between frilly and rics. RCA stocked them for a short time and sold them for around $25-30 each.

All corals are up for trades. Nothing to fancy. Might consider other mushrooms, zoas, or even monti caps.

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