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nem not sticky, not eating


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The tank is predesigned for nems. There is a partition in the middle and the porwer head is on the coral side. I move them when they get to close to my overflow but I believe I have lost one already due to the overflow. I installed foam over the teeth of it to stop that but I think it was counter productive because it increased the suction. It's funny because my rbtas are no problem and they stay where I put them...

The question I'm asking isn't should I let it settle in( because as stated before it has been established in the same spot for several weeks), or feed it even ( Jimd I dont force feed I place the food on the edge of the nem and let it take it). What my dilemma is really is why the tanticles have a stickiness to them?

Toxiq reef, you said light might play a part? do you have experience with that being an issue? I have a 10k 400w over it right now but im switching to a 14k this week do you think that will be better?

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I have an LTA that just doesn't like silversides, all of my BTAs love em. Try feeding it something else like mysis. If the nem doesn't like the food, it will release it (the same as turning off the stickiness of its tentacles).

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