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Help - Sps Suddenly Bleaching In Corner Tank...!!!


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To set this up right, this has started happening in my Corner Tank. Its a Oceanic 92g. May of you had heard me talk in the past about the high Nitrates I have in this tank,m and my work to try to get them down (HAD been ranging about 40ppm). All the main water quality test check out Ph 8.1, AM 0, NI 0, Phos 0.5). I've been using Fauna Marin UltraLith since 2/25 in order to get the Nitatres down and improve the tank.

Tank is stocked with 2 Acros, 3 Monti Caps, 2 Acans, 3 Tubinerrias, and numerous Paly's, 2 Toadstools, Colt Coral, some Zoo's.

Friday a 4 inch Acro that had seemed to be fine totally bleached out in a single day. We noticed yesterday that one of the Caps started receeding. I trimmed it back today, but still seems to be receeding. We noticed the other 2 Caps later today started bgetting bleaching spots as well. I took a sample this morning to river City, and everything checked out except the Nitrates, which they tested at only 20 ppm. Other than that, my Blenny and Maroon got into a fight, and the Blenny has a bad looking spot on its tail (possible bacteria problem?) from the fight.

We are at a lost as to what is suddenly going on. Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.


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Corals bleach for a million reasons. I would point to your nitrates, possibly. 20ppm is alot for a SPS tank.

Also, aren't you supposed to use the Ultralith in combination with the other Zeolite products, and not just by itself? I'm not so familiar with it.

Lastly, what is your temperature and how much does it swing daily? What lights do you have?

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Are they losing tissue starting at the top and moving towards the base. If so this might be RTN. My recommended approach would be to continue to try to reduce nitrates (possibly consider a large water change to bring them down at least temporarily), keep temperature stable, and run plenty of carbon (if you were not already) in case this is a aleopathy matter between some of your softies and the SPS. Some of the softies you have can put out some pretty potent toxins.

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Thanks to everyone who have given ideas. Seems like I have a tank crash going on. I re-tested Nitrates tonight, which my test show are 40ppm (I don't think now it ever dropped to 20ppm, since its been running around 40ppm (or maybe 80ppm, depending on how you read the shade) for a very long time. Phosphate is >0.25ppm.

My wife has been researching, and seems to think we have a chemical war going on with the number of mushrooms, ricordeas, toadstools, colt corals, etc. - plus with the band sandbed (nitrates, and its 5 years old - John (thedude) told me I should replace it when I got the tank last year, but I was still young to the hobby and too dumb), we just think the tank is crashing.


Tonight we are moving all the SPS left into the 130g tank. Saturday, we are going to strip the corner tank out.

What I need to know is, can I do that, put everything in tubs (rock, corals, fish), pull out the existing sand and replace it with live sand and put everything back in the same day?

Also, Nora is going to want to get rid of the Toadstools (one will come with on a rock that also has Paly's, mushrooms, and other stuff), one huge Toadstool w/o rock, Yellow Paly's, Pink Paly's, a huge Colt Coral (which I can't promise will make it, I may be able to be talked out of the rock its on, but if I remember correctly the rock is about 10lbs., so that would have to be some kind of deal), and a Maroon Clown. This is of course assuming these things are still alive b/t now and the weekend, but everything mentioned above seems to be okay so far.

I will be willing to trade or sale (trade includes help with the strip down Saturday) any of the above. I will try to get pics up in the next day. Of course, if no one wants to sale or trade, I will give it away.

Anyone interested, let me know.


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Before you put your livestock back in I would let it run for a day and test it first. That is, if you have the livestock in a temporary holding that is safe(movement, heater, etc.). Also run large amounts of carbon. You are going to stir up a lot of crap removing that sand.

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