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how to get rid of brittle star fish


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Alright so i got some brittle star fish in my tank when i got some live rock.

I dont like them because i think they make my tank look ugly with their tentacles coming out of the rock all the time.

What do you suggest to do to get them to come out so i can catch them and take them out?

If i get them out I will give them away.

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I have a million of them in my live rock. Really I don't see how it's possible to erradicate them. I used to have your same point of view - they are ugly and I want them out. However, I've come to terms with the brittle star fish. They are filter cleaners and are actually good for your tank's health...so I just use that as an excuse for them not being some attractive.

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i think its awesome! i love them!! and i honestly dont think its possible to get them all out unless you empty your entire tank out and either dry out and kill everything on and in your sand/rock or buy all new sand and rock.

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Oh man I'm jealous. I wish I had your problem. I've got a handful of small brittle stars but you only see them when you lift a rock or move something. I've seen tanks that had thousands of little arms everywhere. What I'd give to have that in my tank as my CUC instead of plain ol hermits and snails.

Catch me like a hundred and I'll take em.

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I doubt you'd be able to get rid of them all, but there's a chance - a natural starfish predator the harlequin shrimp. If you have other starfish or critters with tube feet I doubt they'd be a good idea (they eat the tube feet), and I'm not exactly sure whether they eat brittle stars.... but with a little research you should be able to tell. A lot of people don't keep them because their diet is only starfish, but it could help solve your problem.

That said, I don't know for sure whether it would work. There are chemical options like a copper based ich treatment, but that will essentially kill any mobile invertebrate and could be bad for corals, so it is by no means a reasonable option. If you can't keep the numbers down I'd gladly take a few - I have some regular sized brittle stars but none of the mini ones. :)

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I think it could work, however some (if not most) might just curl up and stay put. I was thinking of Lugol's solution earlier. It might get them running, but then again it might just kill them in the rock.

You might just try it. But try and save me a hundred.

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if you see 5 or 6, you probably have 500 :P they split and reproduce all the time. thats how people end up with millions in their tank. i could get a spoon full of sand and have 5-6 JUST in that in spoon full :P

dang for real? i have only had my tank set up and running for almost 3 or 4 weeks. Man well when I figure out how to pull them out i will post them for yall to come get them

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I've had them come out when I've done iodine dips on corals that happen to have small rocks on them. If you get them quickly once they come out, they will still survive. I am pathetic and even try to catch the amphipods so they don't die.

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I've had them come out when I've done iodine dips on corals that happen to have small rocks on them. If you get them quickly once they come out, they will still survive. I am pathetic and even try to catch the amphipods so they don't die.

i would do the iodine but i have a rose anemone and not really willing to risk anything that might harm it.

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Are you sure they're stars? I have tons of spaghetti worms and have those tentacles coming out everywhere. Otherwise, a great problem to have.

yes i am 100% sure, I took care of any worm problem ealier with an arrow crab but didn't think i would end up not liking the star fish.

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