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Easy SPS-Metallic Green Hydonophora and a Ton of Monti's

Mike M.

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I am in NW Austin, Anderson Mill/183. Available Friday-Sunday before 6:00pm. PM for appointment to pickup frag. First come first serve.



Neon Green Hydnophora Frags -SOLD OUT for NEW INQUIRES

Those of you with "reservations" for Warp Speed, I've got you covered. That is to say, if you have contacted me already, I've got you covered. No additional Hydnophora available as of Monday. Once again, if I have messaged with you about picking one up, there is one for you. New inquiries, I need to ask for patience. I'll be fragging it again in 8-12 weeks. Sorry...the old man has been chopped back!

This has been a fun colony. Hairy, metallic…it doesn't care what the conditions are. High light, medium or low. Flow, no flow. Just stick it somewhere and it will grow! I have a large colony that I want to frag back pretty significantly. Frags will be 2-3" fresh cut, multi branch pieces. I grew this from a less than one inch frag so it doesn't take much to get it to take off.



Red Digitata Branches-$10 Each

This is another great SPS coral to for stoney starters. Once again, grows anywhere under most any conditions. It grew for me even when my phosphates were well above the legal limit for SPS. I have one 3-4" piece mounted and need to take 2-3 more large branches off the colony. After the first is gone, the rest will be fresh cut. Velvety red and fast growing.


Warp Speed Montipora-$10 frags-SOLD OUT for NEWINQUIRES

Those of you with "reservations" for Warp Speed, I've got you covered. That is to say, if you have contacted me already, I've got you covered. No additional Warp Speed available as of Saturday. Once again, if I have messaged with you about picking one up, there is one for you. New inquiries, I need to ask for patience. I'll be fragging it again in 8-12 weeks. Sorry...the old man has been chopped back!

Mounted low in my tank, this monti doesn't demand much. Stick it on and let it go. No need for 400W MH lamps. It'll grow under most anything. I have three mounted frags and could easily chop more off if you all want it. Another great "starter" SPS.




Purple Digitata Frags-$10

Same story…monti's are great like that. My purple digi needs some massive trimming. Anticipating 3-4 good frags off this colony to take it basically down to the live rock. Fast growing, tolerant SPS.




Montipora Capricornis Frags - $10

Break'em off like potato chips. Red monti cap in the back of my tank can always be fragged. These things grow so fast that at times, I think it is annoying. I have two colonies in the back of my tank that I'd like to frag. We'll get you either a big chunk or multiple pieces for $10 to seed your tank. Put it low and let it grow. Here's photo of some of it when it lived in the front of my tank:


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