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Dive Trip to Cozumel


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Some photos I took while snorkeling in Grand Cayman and diving in Cozumel this past week. These were taken with a point and shoot canon A520 camera.

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This is a Frogfish that is only found in Cozumel. Luckily I got to see one.

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Giant Grouper.. The smaller fish around it are about 4-6in long.

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This is the first sea turtle I have ever seen while diving.. It was pretty cool. It swam in circles for a bit and then swam of.. or flew off.. it was cool.

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Sea Cucumber? It was huge.

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Before I saw this eel I saw a green Moray eat a spider crab.. It happened so fast I couldn't get a photo. It was kinda scary since it happened about 4 feet from me..

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This guy was in about 6 feet of water at Grand Cayman. I was snorkeling when I saw him.

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You got some nice pics there Jake. Thanks for sharing.

While looking at the pics blown up it struck me how dirty the reef really is. Look at all the detritus and algae growing on the rocks. Granted, it's not in the plague proportions it can occur in our tanks, but it made me feel a little less bad about my tank.

The other thing I noticed was the close proximity of corals to each other. One of my personal beefs with tanks is how most people just throw frags every where, possibly without thinking how it will look once the frags are colonies and run into each other. But, the pics show that they are growing like that in the wild. Thanks for the education.

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