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Question for those of you with a Oceanic BioCube


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Are they super quiet? I am thinking about getting one to put in my bedroom but the hubby will protest it if it makes too much noise.

I only intend on putting my two clown fish in the cube along with live rock and ricordeas. Will a 14g be big enough for that?

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Our is/was pretty quiet until we added the pistol shrimp and goby pair. They're nocturnal and it really pisses my wife off when we keep hearing the pistol *POP* *POP* *POP* all night.

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In a quiet room when trying to sleep even a 'quiet' aquarium may seem quite loud. I can hear a couple of my tanks from the next room and they aren't particularly loud.

That being said in general the sound of moving water is generally quite relaxing once it becomes background noise. It's just a question of how long it takes to become a background noise.

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Gonzo great comment.

I can't ever hear my 75g in the living room until all the lights have been turned off and I'm just laying down in bed. I'd swear I live under the tank and it's about 50 feet away. Kinda sounds like a big ol diesel truck idling in the next room over.

I have a little 8g unit in my kitchen. It was ok. I could hear the water falling into the 2nd chamber. And if I ever let the water level get low, oh was that annoying. Other than that it was ok.

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Out of all the tank set ups I owned, the BioCube was the most silent runner I had, but remember, most of mine are HOB's. vwmike is SO right...NEVER get a pistol shrimp and put it in your bedroom tank...you'll get so scared, you'll pull out YOUR pistol when you hear it snap!!! And gozo made a valid point as to everyone's idea of "quiet"... it's all relevant to that person. I have a fishroom with 4 tanks running...it is my favorite room to sleep and take a nap in...my husband can't even have a conversation with me in there...jeez!!!

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I have a friend looking to sell one, can't remember which size it is. It will come with a stand and rock as well as the tank. He forgot to keep up with it after the twins were born and they moved to a new house. Bet you could snag a great deal on it all. Oh, it even comes with a small clown that has been in it for about 3 years. PM me if interested and I'll shoot you his number.

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