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Mandarins Mating in Full HD


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I picked up a male Green Mandarin last week and to my delight, he paired right up with my female and they mated last night.

The mandarin's mating dance is quite the sight to see as the male darts around the tank, looking for the female and when he finds her, the dance begins at the bottom of the tank and continues to the surface. Once on the surface, the dance is broken off and quickly begun again.

So in the spirit of Friday night, here are my mandarins mating in full HD: (right click, then select "Watch on YouTube" for HD version)

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Man, I've been wanting to see that for the longest time! I've had friends describe it a couple of times and it sounded a lot more fascinating than clowns. Congradulations! (Guess you didn't have to feed the corals yesterday :D)

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Man, I've been wanting to see that for the longest time! I've had friends describe it a couple of times and it sounded a lot more fascinating than clowns. Congradulations! (Guess you didn't have to feed the corals yesterday :D)

Haha! I'm sure if they actually released any eggs as the research I've been doing indicates that they mate, then the female gets full of eggs, then the eggs get released at the top of the water column. Sounds bass ackwards to me.

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lol so you gonna start raising Mandis then Mark???

Need to do more research. Definitely Mr. Saltwater Tank TV worthy.

yes... it is lol well good luck with that.... they do dance well together haha!!! good music choice to go with it

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lol so you gonna start raising Mandis then Mark???

Need to do more research. Definitely Mr. Saltwater Tank TV worthy.

yes... it is lol well good luck with that.... they do dance well together haha!!! good music choice to go with it

my original selection of "Let's get it on" was taken off by YouTube.. :(

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LOL, the fact that YouTube would censor for the music selection is laughable.

But seriously, that is amazing to have witnessed the mating process! Thanks for documenting it for us.

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