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fraging question


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just got this elegance in and i guess the size they said it was is the size of the skeleton, so its open now and way too huge even for my tank. so has anyone here fragged them before, ive looked online and found mixed results. i know how to cut the skeleton but its the tissue im worried about since its all conected. please let me know if you have had sucess if you HAVE DONE THIS YOURSELF please. thanks

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Most all Elegance corals die within captivity. Very few seem to make it. This was different years ago when they were collected in areas that closer matched the early systems with low lighting and poor nutrient export. They did so well that so many were collected that they wiped out the ones that did well. Most quickly turn to jelly and muck up tanks.

With that said, I certainly would not try my luck at fragging one. There have been a few retailers selling frags, but from what I could gather, they were fragged and held at the reef until healed.

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Speaking from experience, you really don't want to frag it especially if you have a healthy one. The skeleton's are very brittle and if you cut it odds are that you will leave a sharp edge somewhere on the skeleton. Once the flesh hits that sharp edge damage will ensue and you'll watch the fairly quick decay of your elegance. Trust me, I lost a $180 dollar one, though I didn't try to frag it until it was already headed downhill and seemed to be the only recourse to try and save at least part of it.

I'd either find it a new home or clear enough out of your existing tank to make adequate room for it.

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yea thats what i was thinking of doing is clearing a couple other big ones out, i would much rather keep the elegance since its the best looking thing in my tank, and thanks for the input guys

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