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Fish for sale


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So my 90g is having some issues and I've got some fish that are nipping corals, some fish that I just don't like in the mix, and some fish looking for a nice place to retire. Details:

  • (2) PJ cardinals - $20 for both - large and medium, have been together a while but I don't think are mated. Healthy and non-aggressive sold
  • (2) bluegreen chromis - $5 for both - 2-3" each, I have five and would prefer to sell the larger two. Healthy and happy, but five is just too many for my tank.sold
  • (2) Mated Clarkii Clowns (sold as pair only) - $80 for pair - large, 4" or so and currently laying eggs like clockwork. They live in my RBTA and the previous owner had them in a large carpet nem. No, my RBTA does not come with them but you should have an anemone home of at least 6" to provide them enough room. Otherwise they'll beat a smaller nem to death loving on it. Having a Nem is also going to greatly increase your chances of having them continue to spawn.
  • (1) Large lawnmower blenny - $15 - 5" - very cool guy, great at eating hair algae, but very large. He does eat food as his belly attests, but he'd really like larger than a 90g tank with an algae source.
  • NEWLY ADDED - $80 - very large (5-6") super healthy purple tang. Great fish with tons of personality, but I saw him grab my large feather duster and just shake it all to heck. He'd love a larger tank to play with some other tangs. (will trade for a smaller, healthy purple tang)

I have a fish trap and will be catching these guys as requested, but it could take a few days to catch specific fish. Please PM me if interested and we can discuss trades.

I'm not currently listing prices as I'm open to offers or trades. I would like:

  • Male target mandarin or female green mandarin
  • Fire shrimp

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Darn, I was hoping to see hawkfish on the list. :)

I've got two flame hawks, but they're such a pair that I can't break them up. They're suspect #2 on the coral nipping though, as I've seen one of them with a whole blue legged hermit in his mouth. I'm really hoping it's the coral beauty, otherwise you may get your wish....

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Oh wow, hawks eat hermits? My hermits have been doing a pretty good job of chewing on each other here lately.

Your hawks are really neat, of all your fish they're the ones that stood out in my memory. I hope the angel is the culprit it'd be a shame to have to get rid of them. But if you decide to I want to be on the top of the list!

As a plug, Mike has a gorgeous tank and very healthy fish. :D

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