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Bulkhead Leaks?


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My bulkheads are on the bottom of my tank and one is dripping. Any way to plug the leak short of a complete teardown? Any ideas at all? It had a large plastic "nut" and I have hand tightened it as much as I can. I am reluctant to put a wrench or channelocks to it.

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I'm afraid I don't have good news John :) The couple of times I've run into this trying to tighten it up with a wrench just made it worse and ended up having to redo the fitting. I'll deny suggesting this but if it's just a slow drip can you just let it drip into the sump until it's convenient to fix it?

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Mitch, I wish I had overflows. If and when I tear this sucker down, I am going to find someone to help me install overflows so I don't have to look at the outflow and return tubes.

Tim, the sump is at the other end of the stand so that the return goes straight up into the tank. I have a 5 gallon bucket under the drip at the moment.

The tubing and pvc elbow arrangement I replaced my U-tube with is not making much noise right now. I am hoping I can live with this for a while. My wife wants to redo the living room floors but that is 18 months out or so before it will be financially feasable unless retirement phase II kicks in. I'll just have to see how it goes. I have a 30 gallon tank I have been wanting to do the Chrispar Treatment on. I should get started on that this week or next so that I have an alternative.

Thanks guys.

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