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Flasher wrasse issue again


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Ok so the ich is now gone from the fish,

But the wrasse now is breathing heavily and the scales on one side of it are pale and discolored. Is this bacterial? fungal?

Please help

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Weird. Wrasses will change colors, but normally at night (like most fish do).

I really don't have much experience with saltwater fish issues. I would think if it was fungal, then you would see something externally. A bacterial infection might cause something like this. I would try calling of RCA and seeing if anyone there has an opinion.

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do wrasse have tongues? as i m looking into the fish's mouth right now and there appears to be a wite looking thing where its tongue would be. it has a little ball on the end of it (parasite?)

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Fish do have tongues. It could have been a parasite or low levels of oxygen in the tank. Wrasses and tangs need high oxygen levels to remain healthy. I used to lose wrasses all the time until I set my powerheads so that they caused a lot of ripples in the surface of the water. Now I do not have any problems with wrasses.

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