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worm: good or bad?


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Looks like a normal bristleworm from the pics.

If so, you can leave him in, they typically dont bother anything and are good scavengers.

Wow, I was slower than I thought.

Is there a difference between fire and bristleworms?

Edited by o0zarkawater
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Dr. Ronald Shimek in his book, The Coral Reef Aquarium wrote, "The most common worms that appear in our systems are fireworms, or Amphinomids. These typically are pink, and each segment has a large evident tuft of white bristles on each side." "Although one species of fireworm occasionally preys on soft corals, it is almost never seen in reef tanks. Most of the species that show up in reef tanks are beneficial scavengers."

Hermodice Carunculata which may occasionally eat soft corals is generally smaller can be distinguished by its reddish to silver-gray body color, the presence of blood-red frilly gills above each tuft of chaetae, and the presence of frilled appendages (the "beard") on the back of the head.

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Looks like a bristle worm to me.

Bristle worm/ polychaetes

Thanks to everyone, I clicked the site above and it is exactly like the picture. Bristle. I have seen it in my tank a few times over the past three to four months but could never catch it....I caught it tonight and thought I have better ask. thank you so much.

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+1 on bristle worm... I asked the same questions, but after a lot of reading, I decided to just leave them in and remove them if they get too big or become a problem.

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Ditto on the having asked about them before however one thng not mentioned. I kept mine as they are generally beneficial, HOWEVER especially the redish ones will sting you, so be careful of sifting through the sand, particularly if it is in an out of the way place.


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