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cloudy water?!?


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so... my tank has been up and running for about 2 months now. All of the nitrogen levels are fine and the salinity is at 1.023. Calcium is off the charts, but then again I do not have any corals in the tank yet. I have about 18 hermits and 9 Mexican turbo snails with 3 blue/green chromis in the tank (135Gal). I noticed today that the water seems to have tiny particles in it, almost like very tiny bubbles making the water look cloudy. Anyone have any ideas or advise?

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I had a similar problem. It was driving me crazy. Robert Manning came by the house and I told him of my woes. He thought it was my calcium percipitating. I cut back the pump on the reactor and it went away. Not sure if you are using a reactor.


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I am not using a reactor...

After looking closer at the tank I have tiny creepy crawlies.. I see them all over the glass. They will move in different directions and crawl around. Too small to take a photo of. smaller than a grain of salt, but visible.

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floating hydroids? do they have five little staks coming off a central white spec?

or could be a bacteria bloom, but with your calcium off the charts i would say that is could be calcium precipitate.

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Some of 'dem bugs look kinda like small shrimp. I'm betting it's just one of cycles of stuff your tank is going through while it matures. I would take a wait and see position, they will probably disappear on thier own in a few weeks.

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so everything that I have read about "white bugs crawling on reef aquarium glass" appears to be pod related and is a sign of a healthy tank.. Even the photos I've seen look pretty much the same.. I'm looking at buying more fish this Friday at RCA's First Friday sale. Any suggestions? I know I will be buying at least 3 more Chromis.

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Your cloudy water could be either due to Calcium precipating though more likely is due to microbubbles from the return pump.

If you have a sump and return then turn it off for a hour or so and see if it goes away.

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