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Aquarium options


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Hi, I'm new to austin reef club so bear with me. I'm interested in upgrading my 55g tall in about 3 months when I move. I'm looking to move up to somewhere around a 90g but I would much like to have a canopy to cover up my lighting. I was wondering if this would be possible with a rimless tank. Also, how do I go about getting an austin reef club card? Thanks for the help -Fred

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Whether a tank has trim attached to the top & bottom won't effect the fitment of a canopy. You may be confusing the term "rimless" with "braceless" - which I'll assume is the case?

Rimless means the aquarium is simply a glass/acrylic box, with no center-brace, upper or lower trim, and typically no euro-bracing either.

Braceless would simply be without centerbracing in place on the top, and euro-bracing would be structurally bracing the aquarium on the top (and sometimes the bottom) with supports around the perimeter, rather than crossing over the center.

So did you in fact mean putting a canopy onto a rimless aquarium?

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I like the look of hanging lights. Can you get T5 pendants or is the pendant style just a MH thing? I'm thinking eventually here I'd like 2 pendants over my 6' tank but I'm not real keen on MH. Hmmmm... at the rate I'm going I'm gonna ponder lighting forever.

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