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first time wrasse man


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i bought my very firsr wrasse today. its a black/white leopard wrasse. i have always liked wrasses, especially the six-lines but never REALLY wanted one.

well i have been watching the leopards at the store and researching for a few days and finally decided to get one!!

i was so excited and after i acclimated him and put em in the tank he just swam around for a few seconds and went behind a rock (but was still visible) and literally dove straight into the sand and buried himself!! "HOLY ISH!!" i kinda jumped in my skin it happened so fast :P that's good stuff, right there!

i totally forgot that they do that.

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My did the same thing....then died under the sand a few days later. sad.gif

Best of luck with your new little one!

Good luck! Let us know if me makes it

so when they bury themselves it means they are about to die?!?!

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i just thought they kinda stay buried during their "acclimation" process and afterwords they are good to go. but i guess they could also just not be in great condition/dont acclimate well to your tank and then they dont survive the "acclimation" period aka: burying themselves

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Most Wrasses will bury themselves at night to sleep, and especially when spooked. Make sure you have your top covered. They are known carpet surfers.

The other day I approached the tank as normal and my fairy wrasse freaked. Went straight up and hit the egg crate I have on top hard enough to make it bump up a little bit, then disappeared for a few hours. :(

Once it came back out I was looking for any damage, but it looks ok...phew!

First time I'd ever seen it react that strongly. Without the egg crate up there it would have launched out of the tank.

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