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Pink Skunk Clowns Made Babies


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Tonight when I was doing my nightly tank inspection, I found a nice surprise next to my long tentacle anemone. My Pink Skunk Clowns spawned. Here is a picture of the clutch:


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Wow, that is awesome! What kind of success ratio do folks have with clowns? Have you had them spawn before?

This is the first time that they have spawned. They seem to be taking very good care of the eggs. I doubt they will survive after hatching but it is cool that they have spawned.

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Thats awesome. Do you think you can get the stuff together quick enough to raise them?

It is very cool. I am excited. I do not have another tank to raise them in unfortunately. Also, the rock that they are affixed to is a base rock that holds up the majority of the rocks on the left side of my tank. doh.gif

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From the very little that I've read into it, they should continue to spawn for a while, every couple weeks maybe? I've never looked into it, thats just what I think I remember.

I would look into maybe possibly getting a small tank, and see if anyone local has rotifers to feed them.

I think there was a post recently about someone who raised them in a 10gal with nothing but a bubble stone for movement, but fed them rotifers, then brine shrimp. Even if you have 10% live, you will end up with a dozen or so new clowns!

I'd love it if either of my pair of clowns spawned.

What makes a pair decide to spawn? How long have you had these guys?

I have a pair in my 10gal for almost 3 years, and a pair in my 55gal for the 5months I've had it, but I've never seen any eggs.

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Yeah, I am definitely considering it now. I would love to raise some clownfish. I have had them about a year. I think I got them in May or June of last year. I have no idea what makes them want to spawn. I didn't put any roofies in the water or anything.

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Once they start spawning it seems to be like clockwork on a 2wk schedule if you leave the tank undisturbed. Both my osc clowns and clarkii's are now spawning. For example, the osc lay eggs on wed and typically hatch on the 8th day. Then on the 15th day they'll spawn again. So far I haven't actually seen any eggs hatch but both sets of parents seem to be protective. I think once they hatch my mandarin and shrimp are getting some snacks.

I bought a 12g eclipse I'm going to use to try and raise some next week when they hatch. If you can put a piece of tile/LR/something removable next to the anemone it will be much easier to remove the eggs for hatching than trying to catch them with a baster, I haven't gotten my guys to lay eggs where I want them to yet hence the not having tried it. Several of our LFS store sell rotifers, which I think is what you'll need to feed them to start.

Worst case if you can catch some of the fry and can get them to me I'll be happy to try growing them out in my tank. Best of luck!

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These two pages have lots of information about raising the clownfish frys. I'm also trying to raise my clownfish frys (vwmike: I can't find any LFS that has live rotifers: RCA, aquatek, etc.). I will probably end up getting some instant algae and rotifer culture from Reed Mariculture.

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