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free xenia on rubble


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after rearanging some rock i found a few pieces of xenia already stuck to rocks, i also have as much as you want not stuck, if someone wants some of that it might get me to get up and actually scrape it all off, the pic is an old one (just what it looks like) and all the hair algea is almost goneyahoo.gif so happy, and if anyone wants i also have a couple big rocks covered if you want to trade a rock of yours for mine, o yea you can bring a little macro for a trade if you have any, i need some more, if not thats ok , and frags are about 1 to 2 tall and it grows about as fast as algea


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PM Sent! I would like some Xenia if you have any left. i could pick up any time today. would it be possible to come during lunch hours 11am - 1pm. if not anytime is cool. My name is Lamont 512-909-4644 Thanks!

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I can come tomorrow and if there is any with rubble I need that cause lately I have been having problems gluing to my current aqua scaping without messing thing up. Let me know I have to come sort of that way.

Why dont you try to let it attach itself. i used a patch of mesh (like what the fish nets are made of) i mount the coral on the rock that i want it on then i put the mesh over it and hold it down with a rubberband. a few day later i remove the mesh and the coral is stuck to the rock. no glue or epoxy. i have donr this with xenia, mushrooms, and afew kenya trees.:)

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