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yellow tang abrasion


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I picked up this little yellow tang a few weeks ago and about after a week of being in my tank he had what looked to be a bite bark below his side fin. i didn't think too much of it until now. the bite mark appears to be healing however there is a brown round spot that has appeared near the wound. i wish i had a picture but i don't think i could capture the wound while he's moving. any thoughts?

he seems to be doing well. loves to swim and his eating.

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Hm.. sorry to hear. In the future, I have read that tang maintain their best health when regularly fed nori/seaweed. They will eat other "fleshy" foods, but by their nature they are mostly vegetarians.

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So sorry to hear about the tang. What a bummer.

My yellow tang had a bite taken out of one of his dorsal fins. I was really worried. Hopped online and did some research and came to the conclusion that most fin injuries should heal within a few days. If not, it's time to go to more aggressive treatments for underlying causes. Sure enough, within 2 days my tangs fin had totally healed. Not much help for you now, but maybe something for you to think about in the future.

Not to derail this post any further, but what about feeding frozen formula 2 for herbivores? I bought and feed it specifically for my tang and angel and they love it (of course, so do the other fish!). The tang does eat meaty foods but really seems to prefer the formula 2. I do feed nori sheets as well, but only about 1-2 times a week.

Of course, still have macro growing on some rocks that the fish munch on... maybe a little green algae isn't such a bad thing! Darn derbesia seems determined to stick around.

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