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is it ever going to split!?


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My green florida ricordea has been in the process of splitting for over a month. It is HUGE, has two mouths, occasionally ruffles up like it's working on actually splitting then quits. What is its deal?

Should I cut it and force the split? How traumatic for it would that be?

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I agree with Mama, I would let it do it on it's own. You probably could cut it, but I would be afraid if one of the pieces was not attached to a rock yet. I have a horrible time getting rics to stick to stuff .. so I just let mine split naturally.

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Ok, well I guess I'll sit on my hands (after putting the scissors away) and see if the darn thing will split on it's own. I swear it's teasing me! Laura this is one I got from you, one of my first corals. It's grown so much and is so pretty!

Richie, good to know they will survive cutting if my patience runs out. Right now it appears all parts are stuck on the rock.

It looks like a tube instead of a round ric!

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I'm pretty sure they're actually split. It's just hard to tell. They're crowded up against each other.

Which I have read somewhere actually causes them to split more. For some reason, Ric's like to be crowded.

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For mushrooms and rics I generally use a pair of surgical scissors. It does a lot less damage than the usual multiple cuts with a scalpel/exacto knife. Also, for the appeal to authority, it is calfo's reccomended method for the same reason. I have also had success with this in cutting ric's in half or mushrooms into 1/4s across the middle.

The other trick I found useful with ric's is to put a rubber band or tie a string to them in between the mouths. I successfully split a piece that was still connected but had 4 mouths on it this way. I just used rubber bands for braces on it.

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