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zoas loosing color!?


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All my zoas are loosing their colors!? They were fine, some even coloring up nicer than they were when I got them then I replaced my bulbs and over the last couple weeks all my colonies have started to fade to a tanish/brown color.

I replaced 2 bulbs (everything was super happy, several zoas and palys turned brighter colors and I was excited to see things looking better than ever), then a couple weeks later replaced the second set of bulbs and ran them for a shorter time period for a bit hoping I wouldn't shock my corals. I have 4x96w PC lighting, nothing exciting. My old bulbs were *really* old though.

Are my zoas just adjusting to the new bulbs? Will their colors come back? All water parameters are good, actually getting consistently better so I don't think that's it. The zoas are still healthy looking, open and several have added new babies.

Actually now that I think about it, my mushrooms are kinda irritated too. Several detached and reatached in much lower light/shaded spots. They were at the very bottom of the tank to start with. I really didn't think I had enough light to upset the corals I have by getting new bulbs. The other corals I have are all happy, it's just the zoas and mushrooms.

I hope they'll get over it!


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Definitely sounds like they are reacting to the new light bulbs. I think the key here is you said the old bulbs were "really old". This means the light intensity of your new ones was took a significant jump.

I suspect they will change colors back in due time ... but I can't say how long.

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