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wanted to ask for help


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So I know that people often ask for free stuff on here and it usually because of financial situations. Well I’m asking today for some help as well. I completed my Tax return last night and let me tell you. People work hard to make it and what does the Government keep doing? TAKE TAKE TAKE. Anyways, let’s just say that starting up the 120 gallon RR tank that I just got a great deal on is going to take longer then I thought. I have to pay back close to $1000.00. That’s right; I didn’t add the wrong amount of zeros there.

Anyways, I was just looking to see if anyone had anything that they are not using that would help me out in starting up my new tank. I’m going to be sitting this thing up at the end of March after we move so live stuff wont work out right now. I was thinking more of like pumps, lighting, MH ballast, heaters, digital thermometers, timers, etc. Anything will help. I’ll pick it up and move it. Thanks for taking the time to read this and take care.

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I have a seio 820 and 1500 im not using only thing is I dont have the mounting kit for the 820 and the 1500 has a broken shaft.

I also have some timers im not using since I swithed to my digital one your welcome to have as well.

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Sounds like you are asking for the wrong kind of help, you should be looking for TAX help.....There are plenty of ways to get out of paying taxes legally. Maybe you should consult an Accountant. Just some FFD (food for thought).

I don't know if I told you, but my accountant got me out of paying $43,000 to the IRS with the stroke of his pen...LEGALLY!

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