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Everything posted by Christian

  1. Check and see of he has a rock in his gills or throught that is stuck that could be one reasion.
  2. Hey has any one fraged an anemone and had any succes. And what do sebase anemones split naturly?
  3. Ya, well you could alway do bouth the gulf and ther reef.
  4. Ok so is the purple digi and hammer corals free?
  5. To me it sounds like a good idea. I actuly had a thought about 3 years a go that seemed really far fetch at the time. But I read an articual from New York about a guy that is a biologiest and has love saltwater fish sence he was a kid. My thought was to make an Aquarium here in Austin. Because if you look at a lot of big towns they all have an aquarium and zoo and we have a zoo but not to good and a aquarium we do not have at all. But it would be really cool to have one here in Austin. But it also would be good for letting to yonger generation of kids that don't know much about the reefs and fish that live their.
  6. Thanks mama. So seahorse have teeth?
  7. Is a pipe fish sorta like a seahorse? I have one pipe fish with two anemones.
  8. Christian


    I only put calcium into my tank because mine was below 400.
  9. Christian


    No I do not put iodine in to the water. Ok what's a good range for kh?
  10. Christian


    I have a test that tests for total hardness of water. Is that the same as calcium?
  11. Christian


    I don't know what my calcium is at I don't have a calcium test. And what is kh? Corals should be live for ever right?
  12. Christian


    No none of other corals are cloesed at all. All open. I've been adding calcium into the tank but none of the other corals have been affected by it. Even the anemones have not been affected. Specific gravity is 1.022 ph- 8.2 Nitrate 0 Nitrite 0 Ammonia 0 Phosphate 0
  13. Christian


    I have some at the top and bottom of the tank. And neather are oppen. And I moved them around when I redid mu aquascaping.
  14. Christian


    Ya the matt looks good and purple. No their is nothing that would be bugging it.
  15. Christian


    And their are a fue polyps that have oppened up frome time to time.
  16. Christian


    Well their unde. My bio-cube 20k light. And ya their is a lot of curent going accross them.
  17. Christian


    I have several pices of GSP and they have not oppened in almost 3 months. I've done a water change and my water is good. What do y'all think the reason for that is?
  18. here are some updated pics of my fish tank.
  19. That's really kool. I'm glad the little guy is happy.
  20. Christian


    Thank you bouth.
  21. Ok cool because I just put a small pice of a purple cap under a 6,000k 50/50 light and a 6,700k light. Because I had it under my 20k light bio-cube and it was slowly turning white. But my water is all good and so is my flow
  22. I'm sorry not fungia. I ment montipora cap. But the common name is plate coral.
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