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Posts posted by NonSequitur

  1. I've had similar results, usually when I add too much salt at once or leave it circulating for more than about 24 hours after mixing, so now I add a cup at a time (I guess that's a benefit of a smaller tank, I only have to do a 5gal change to do 10%), leave it overnight, test, amend, then use it.

  2. I've noticed trochus snails eating it (or at least disturbing it so it isn't settled on the rocks) in my small tank, and had a fuzzy chiton that seemed to eat quite a bit of it off of a stubborn spot on the rocks in my big tank (had a k2 pointed directly at the spot and it wouldn't clear up). I haven't had the trochus snails for 24 hours yet, though, so I don't know how well they will do long term, and the chiton has a relatively small patrol area (I've only seen him on two of the rocks in the tank and never on the sand). This is just anecdotal, and I'm not suggesting either of these animals will totally control cyano, particularly a bad infestation of it, but it might be worth looking into a chiton to help with particularly stubborn spots.

  3. Right now I'm running 2x175w SPS 14k lamps with no actinic supplementation. I thought about adding t5 actinics (no room in my hood for t12), but I decided to do away with the hood and switch to pendants. I like the look pretty well, better than the ushio 10k lamps that I started with, but I didn't run the ushios long enough to compare coral growth. When it's time to replace the lamps I'll probably go with the iwasaki aqua2 lamps, which are advertised at 15k but supposedly have a higher PAR rating than most 14-15ks.

  4. I turn the circulation pumps off when I feed to give the bottom dwelling and slower moving critters time to get their share. I noticed that when I fed with the powerheads on my herd of chromis always had plenty to eat, but my watchman goby never seemed to get much, my soft and LPS corals only got what they could catch as it rapidly drifted past (they particularly like mysis, so I make a point of dropping a little over each one).

    I almost always leave the return pump on, my theory is anything that makes it over the overflow and into the sump will encourage growth of pods/other beneficial detritivores in the sump (and feed the chocolate chip starfish currently banished there).

  5. I typically leave my return pump annd skimmer on when feeding fish and feeding largeish items to corals, and leave powerheads off for 15 to 30 mins. When I feed reef roids or baby brine shrimp I usually leave the return on, turn the powerheads off for about 5 mins, and turn the skimmer off for an hour or longer.

  6. With a pair of 175w MHs my tank costs about $25/month in electricity to run (that's the entire tank, incl. pumps, skimmer, heater, cooling fans, etc.), but like muddybluewater said, unless you're going to use actinic supplementation you won't see a big change going from 324w of t5 to 400w MH, at most 100w difference when you figure in ballast inefficency, which could be offset by changing out 2 60w incandescent lamps in your house with 13w CF lamps if you want to look at it that way.

  7. I took the i-10 route through ft stockton once.. not a bad drive, and as Mark said, the speed limit is 85 much of the way once you get out in the boonies. I don't remember if we took I-25, but when we went we spent a night in Roswell and saw the UFO museum, which was rather underwhelming, but the drive between Roswell and Albuquerque was gorgeous!

  8. Thank you so much for the eel, he's happily exploring my tank. He even kicked the engineer goby out of his burrow and claimed it for himself, so now he has a hiding place, and the engineer goby is busy digging a new burrow. So far he hasn't eaten the shrimp or silversides I've offered him, but I'm sure he will when he gets settled in.

  9. I haven't dosed vodka (someone in the family is in recovery, so no alcohol in the house), but I tried dosing vinegar, which is supposed to work similarly. I ended up with cloudy water and a cyano outbreak, so I stopped. I was likely overdosing, since I didn't really pay a lot of attention to the dosing (approx. a tbsp mixed with each gallon of topoff kalkwasser), but I won't be trying it again.

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