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Posts posted by Derry

  1. The price actually goes UP by $5 if the total order cost goes over $225. The LiveAquaria site doesn't sell food, only livestock. All dry goods are done through the Foster & Smith site, with their own shipping prices and policies.

  2. My only concern is that anything Vivid could get between now and Tuesday wouldn't have any acclimation/quarantine time at their holding facility. That's why I'm opting not to buy these locally. I think I'm gonna stick to LiveAquaria this time around.

  3. Hey, there!

    I want to buy some anthias from LiveAquaria, but I really don't want to pay the $35 in shipping all by my lonesome. Here's my proposal:

    • Post what you want in this thread, including the total cost of your order
    • Ordering closes Sunday night, and I reserve the right to close ordering early if the order starts getting too big
    • I'll PM everyone Monday morning with their individual order totals, including their split of the shipping costs
    • PayPal your share to me (plus 3% plz!) by Monday at midnight (no pymt = no order)
    • I'll place the order first thing Tuesday morning
    • The order will arrive at my place on Wednesday, Nov 4
    • I'll PM everyone when the box gets here to arrange order pickups
    • Anything still at my house on Thursday becomes mine! cool.gif

    Feel free to PM me if you have any questions,


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