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Posts posted by Kkiel02

  1. For an indoor system, what ways would you try to get more evaporation? Would you just try and lower the humidity in the air someway? Just wondering, mine stays at 79 in the display tank.

    P.S. Isnt 5 gallons a day pretty normal for that big of an aquarium?

  2. Well im starting to get a little worried as the smaller clown still has not eaten. I dont want to really move him to the qt since I do not know what medication to use and also dont want to stress it out even more. Tomorrow morning is the next mysis cube feeding so hopefully he will eat then..... my fingers are crossed. Its just weird as all the damsels and the other clown seems to be doing great????

  3. Well after talking to a couple people they agreed that it is probably stressed. I called aquatek and they said that these were wild caught which are far more likely to be stressed than the tank raised. Well I am keeping my fingers crossed and I started a qt tank today if something comes up.

  4. P.S. I would take a picture of it but it really doesnt look much different just has its fins retracted a little more than the bigger one. This was the last addition besides beefing up my clean up crew yesterday. The only other fish tankmates are some kupang damsels that stay hidden in the rocks.

  5. Ok just tested the water and ammonia and nitrite were at 0. Nitrate relatively low it was between the 0 and 5ppm colors on the api test kit. So yesterday I noticed the smaller of the two clowns was not eating pellets, I then cut a frozen mysis cube in half and fed them that before supper. Still no eating response. Im going to try garlic extract with the pellets to see if it will eat that. But here are the symptoms: The dorsal and pectoral fins are retracted to the body, the usually clear tip part of the fin is turning much more white in color, and there is slight discoloration in the orange color areas(although this has been there since they were purchased from aquatek last week). Before this they were both eating fine and swimming freely(the smaller one also seems to be struggling to keep up with the larger one). Also every so often it will go into little spasms which I was told to be a way to show the other it is submissive but what do yall think? There isnt white spots like ick and it isnt coated in slime but any ideas on what this could be or how to treat it?

  6. I learned alot from that site and used a 20ish gallon sump for my 65 gallon but there is not really a refuge in it. Use that site as it will teach you the ins and outs of sumps.

  7. I am thinking of getting a colony of xenia going on my tonga rock(which isnt touching any other rock) and was wondering since this is very invasive would it leap to another rock or would I be safe putting it on the small tonga branch? My lighting is 192w pc for the 65 gallon? These are filter feeders so is the lighting ok? Any other suggestions on beginning coral with my light conditions would be greatly appreciated!

  8. Just a little while ago my hermit went after my girlfriends hermit. Yeah we picked out what hermits we wanted. Well at first I thought that my hermit was just changing shells so I wanted to see this happen. Well the hermit grabs a shell( didnt realize this shell had the hermit inside) and starts to put the holes back to back. Then it starts to bang them together and that is when I realized this isnt normal. Next thing I know there is a naked hermit on my live rock :) . I then realized what had happend. My girlfriend is gonna be pissed when she gets back since her hermit went around and picked up the ugliest shell in the whole tank. Now everything is ok though.

  9. Mine is the Reef octo110 but wasnt near that much $ it is rated up to 110 gallons hence the name. I dont have frags yet.... but I spent around $450 on tank and stand(no canopy yet), $100 on 2 koralia 4s, got old sand from a guy in San Antonio(just cleaned it up real good as it had some dieoff going on), Made my own sump for $20 approx. 20 gallon, and a $65 on the return pump. Also got my light from this site for $100. The rock is what gets you I paid $3.50 a pound for live rock but used 20 pounds base rock. There are alot of small stuff like heater, test kit, thermoter, etc.

  10. Most of the post I read is that a simple hang on filter will work but you will need to do freguent water changes since you cannot keep live rock in there. Also a sponge that could be used to get bacteria out of your dt could be put in the qt to help. A 10g might be too small for a blue hippo though. Remember ick is an invert so the treatment will most likely kill all other inverts in this tank. Just a reminder.

  11. Yeah....so...as it turns out, Mag18's sure can move water (& how!)

    Long story short:

    Hooked up the feed hose to my bullet 1 skimmer from my mag18

    plugged in mag 18

    watched the glory that is 1800gph jammed into a skimmer...

    marveled at the bubble creating power of the beckett injector

    watched in amazement at the hose blasting off the barb fitting (which took considerable effort to put on)

    was appalled by the amount of water spewed in my face as i raced to unplug the pump.

    was amazed at how cold 80 degree water really is

    was pissed.

    end of story...

    needless to say lesson learned...and others please learn from my lesson :angry:

    LOL I kinda found that out today too. My scuba instructor recommended wet suits. I was thinking hmmmm 78 degrees isnt too cold. After sometime just sitting at the bottom of the pool the shivers start! Only another 1 hour and a half and I get to finally warm up. Lesson learned if the instructor suggest doing something do it!

  12. Ok well the aquarium is doing great! Added two snails and three hermits! Anyways I shot some new pics with a sd750 I got for my girlfriend back in august. Anyone else shoot with this and if so what settings do you use? I would like to get some real close pictures of the tube worms and hermits.

    Here is the newer setup with more live rock and the pc's!


  13. Added some more live rock and probably get around 10 more pounds tom. My ammonia has dropped so now just waiting on the nitrites. So far I have seen some pods, tube worms and a small snail. My girlfriend probably thinks I am crazy just sitting there staring at rocks.

    I am getting some lights tom. so I will post some more pictures with more color hopefully!


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