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Posts posted by Rjohn

  1. I have two large turbos (golf ball sized) and they ignore it totally. I have a protein skimmer but I do not have a RO/DI setup. I hope to get one in June. I can scrape the hair off by hand but it is not completely gone and it tends to grow back fairly quickly. I think my next purchase will be a Sea Hare from the Aqua Dome. I have read good things about them. I also have read that putting marine snow, phytoplankton, etc. in the tank for the soft corals is a waste of food (and money) as the soft corals use very very little of it. It just adds to the protein burden to be gotten rid of. Any thoughts?

  2. I know from the posts that other people besides me are having green hair algae blooms. They are trading a sea hare around to keep it in check. BTW, I saw a couple for sale at the Aqua Dome on Ben White. Odd looking things, aren't they? I also saw an article on Craig's List that gives a treatment. Search for "Bryopsis". The administrator will not allow links to Craig's List, apparently. Has anyone tried this treatment before? Are there any downsides to the treatment detailed there?

  3. It does look like the encrusting sponge thing. It does not look like Briareum. It does not have separate polyps. It has a mat like star polyps. Thanks pincer7. I apologize for doubting you. I have never done a frag. I am way too new at this. Give it a month or so and I might be willing to let you harvest a frag, Capt. O. I live in Hutto so we are not too far apart.

  4. Jake at River City said it was a type of polyp. It looks like a mat. The little "hairs" are completely withdrawn. It seems to be growing rather quickly. I have had it about 10 days and it is half again as big as when I bought it. We like the wavy movement of the "hairs". One of the employees brought it from their tank to sell at River City.

  5. In the forums, I ran across a mention of "3 days of darkness". What is this and what is it supposed to do? I really do appreciate all the expertise on this board. It's nice to have someplace to go for information.

  6. How did the 110 VHO setup compare to the Metal Halide setup and the T5 setup? How long did the VHO bulbs last? What are you currently using? Sorry to be so inquisitive but I am trying to decide on my next lighting fixure.

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