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Posts posted by ysanford

  1. wtf. seriously...**** well yasmin you thought the truck was a POS BEFORE....now I think you will sing its praises!

    hope kaylon gets better

    He's doing okay. He's starting to get pretty soar, as he bruised a couple ribs and hit his head on the stearing wheel. And of course, his back is hurting pretty bad.

    Innate, if you get a chance, can you forward me some contacts on the chiropractors that you know? I'll send you a PM.


  2. In my opinion, watts/gallon are somewhat irrelevant; deeper tanks generally need stronger lights, shallower tanks can get by with weaker lights. As already mentioned, some corals are better off in an area with lower PAR. If the corals are bleaching, try moving them lower. Of course, many other things can cause a coral to bleach...


    We started them pretty low, or so I thought. I moved them a little lower last night, so I'll see how they do. They aren't bleaching any more. I think the two 175's and the 250 were too much for them. We are considering trading the 250 for another 175 depending on how they all start doing. Thanks for all the info.


    I think I offered some last week right? I never got back to you about that. Sorry.

    I believe so. It's light pink and grows all to well. I'm free tomorrow. Can we meet somewhere?

    Here's a pic of it, mixed in with some anthelia too, from Jan.

    No problem at all. Things have been a little crazy, so we probably wouldn't have been able to pick it up until this week anyway.

    Tomorrow should work okay for us. It just depends on how the hubby is feeling. If your close to 290 and 183, I can probably meet you somewhere around there after work (6ish). JLMK


  3. So, as most of you know, we had a major mishap with the tank earlier this month. Well, just when things seemed to be getting a little better, something else had to happen.

    My husband got t-boned this morning by some cracked out old lady that ran the red light. My husband drives a pretty big chevy truck and she was going so fast that his car spun around 6 times and he landed up on the medium under the 183 overpass by Paytin Gin. THANK GOD he is okay; just a little bruised and soar. Can April be over already, please?

  4. We currently have two 175watt 12K and one 250watt 12k metal halides on our 55 gallon. We noticed a bit of bleaching on some our sps peices, so we are beginning to wonder if we have too much light for our size tank. The wattage break down is 10.9 watts per gallon. So, what is the proper wattage per gallon? We have heard and read around 6 to 12 watts per gallon. Not really sure what to believe so we just wanted to get a general opinion.

  5. I don't have any clams. I never had enough wattage to support a clam. I think I might have anough now tho.

    Ric, your whole tank could be covered in clams and I think you would have enough light to spare! Hope it is treating you well.

  6. hahahahaha your funny captin

    it was nice meeting you guys last night, the corals we got are open and doing good.

    It was nice to meet you as well. If you have anything else that you are willing to part with, just PM. We would be more than interested!

  7. You're just jealous of our clowns cuz they are prettier than yours! Ha! Hey, thanks again for being our coral hospital. Everything is opening back up and the clowns have taken back their little corner in the tank. Everything seems to be happy. ^_^

    don't take this the wrong way but....I am sooo glad to have my tank space back (and the use of my mag float!)...and your **** clowns out of my fuge....copeapod munching ********
  8. So after some generous donations and a couple of impulse buys from the LFS, our tank is finally starting to look alive again. Check out the pics. All of our levels are perfect and everything seems to be liking the new setup just fine. I think we might like it this way better. Ha! Let us know what you think.

    You can see the canopy that we just finished too. We still need to do some work on it, but hey, it does the job for now ^_^



  9. I'm interested. If you are willing to come by my place later this evening, I would either be able to offer cash or you can look at the zoas that I have and pick something. I've got someone else coming over today, so I can't really leave the house. I'll PM my number in case you are interested.

  10. I was hoping that today would be a free day for me, but a lot of things have come up that I have to do and so I can't meet up with you today. I was saying you could come by because I've got someone else coming over for a trade later this evening. If we can't work it out, no worries. I'm not stressed over it. Tomorrow morning still works for me; I can meet up with you on my way to work.

  11. Great meeting today! It was very nice talking with everyone and meeting new members. Andrew, your tank was great. I am in love with your anemone!

    We just want to give a huge thanks to those that were so generous and gave us new corals. Our tank is starting to look better and better! Your actions say a lot about what ARC stands for and the people that are involved. We feel very blessed to be apart of ARC. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  12. Wow...I figured that'd be enough to have them jump out. I would have. Perhaps the power knocked them out of their sense tho...

    I don't know because when I took all the liverock out of the tank, they were all underneath the pieces at the very bottom. Maybe they do better if they are in schools...

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