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Capt. Obvious

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Everything posted by Capt. Obvious

  1. I have a 48" but that would be waaaay to big
  2. DIY is the obvious cheaper route...and more rewarding in the long run
  3. ok ...I'm lazy and don't wanna do the research....what size tank is this rated for?
  4. that all depends are you a real "DIY" kinda guy if so.....project time!!!!! (my personal preference) however.... If you buy a RR tank then all the blood (oh yes there will be blood) sweat and tears is mostly taken care of...not to mention the R & D that goes into most RR off-the-shelf tanks so...personal call really what I would do is: Buy RR tank Make custom stand and hood (or modify existing....i'd make a new one) best of both worlds and making a stand is pretty easy as long as you have the tools and have some general knowledge of building things and try and get a RR with a coast-to-coast/Calfo overflow
  5. They were defiantly "educated" rather quickly but it was a short lived education. for the following reasons: 1) now they are the only clowns in my 135 (onyx are in the wife's and the maroon is in the kid's) 2) they haven't learned their lesson as they now shadow the every move of my scopas tang but he doesn't seem to care Can't do the yellow tang (or any Zebrasomas variety of tang) as my Scopas would murder it. (he has a rep ya know) On a side note you do the rottie rescue thing right? Would you be interested in a large wooden dog house with a nice shingled roof? I could donate it or we could trade for some frags or whatever...no longer have dog so no longer need dog house:(
  6. Dena, the clown pair is doing great! they are very happy in the 135gallon...they never leave each other's side more than a few inches. The are pretty dumb though, they both as a pair were following a Onyx Clown around the tank who was a good 3x their size! Needless to say the onyx was less than thrilled with them and has since "resolved the issue" I think the Maroon is about to teach them a similar lesson...(luckily the Onyx got moved to his new tank shortly after "educating" the young clowns and the maroon is moving back into it's tank after a water change) with that being said..... wanna sell me another pair
  7. Ha! no...I am running out of those spots! maybe "works in progress/projects" would be better
  8. 3 what's it to ya! well I am only running 1. My kids are running 1. My wife is running 1. So total in house 3.
  9. Looking to jam some lights in a hood for my wife's nano it is a hex hood with very little room i could probably jam 6 x 18w (9") PC's in it or 3-4 t5's (24") if I am creative. I will not even consider t8 whatda ya got and whatda ya want
  10. Capt. Obvious


    my dosing regimen is ~5 shots a night...oh you mean my tank.....
  11. It does....that is why chamber 2 is best there is a drip tray you can place it on..in chamber 3 you can make a "wall" out of it see the "flow" diagram here:
  12. assuming you have the skimmer in chamber 1 and have tossed the bio balls? I prefer to turn chamber 2 into a fuge but that is me...you can throw the carbon there (in a bag on the drip tray or under some eggcrate) and run some phosban (in a bag under some eggcrate) or in chamber 3
  13. depends on the tank...parameters, flow, lighting....i'd make it where it is not "under the rock" is it still pulsing?
  14. give them a few days..they have been moved alot in a few days....and handeled and tortured....think "Amistad"
  15. depends on the size of the coral...wouldn't do it to a little guy...but the big *******...no biggy once attached you remove the toothpick and the coral heals...of you think that is ouch you should see what goes into ANY fragging process...dremels. scalpels, wire snips, picks, hammers, screwdrivers etc...like a torture chamber for a serial killer. it puts the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again
  16. yes...use superglue gel get a dried off piece of rubble/snail shell etc. use a q-tip and wipe the slime off of the stalks base. glue to rock OR Bury the base of xenia in sand the xenia will attach itself to the sand particles after a few days. Gently removed the xenia from the sand bed, apply superglue to the sand particles that the xenia attached to, then attach to whatever you want. OR Just rubberband it (not too tightly)...or rubberband with veil mesh OR poke a toothpick throuh the stalk (perpindicular to growth..aka horizontally) and use a rubber band to hold tooth pick to rock....xenia will attach itself just keep it out of the high flow areas until it attaches
  17. So what is the percentage on the mortgage for those? I am atually interested ...esp at that price... the trick now is convincing the wife I need to spend that much all at once
  18. some assembly reqiured but seriously...wtf? did UPS/FEDEX/USPS/DHL/BILLY BOB'S FREIGHT SERVICE AND LUBE SHOP use that thing as a battering ram? a wiffleball bat? Was the shipment rerouted through Darfur? Did the shipper label it "Fragile" (fra gee lay....must be Italian)? but yeah bottom line long bulbs don't ship well...esp when packaged like that
  19. isn't that a little redundant? tunze=pricey sure let me know what you want for them.
  20. any chance you are selling any of that rock bounty? (or a pair of clowns)
  21. Capt. Obvious


    welcome! pics! (is there an echo in here?)
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