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Cool Breeze

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Everything posted by Cool Breeze

  1. Is that bulb better then the old one?
  2. saturday durring the day I will be
  3. Bring me some of them frags too if you don't mind. That GSP rock is yours too if you want it.
  4. hahaha awesome. some for the fish tank, some for me. some for the fish tank, some for me.
  5. Answer: You don't. I like to go with a darwinian approach to reefing. I maintain the best parameters I can and if it dies, it just wasn't tough enough. I don't want any wussy corals. lol
  6. So does this come with the tank? If it does I'll take it all.
  7. I tried to read it one time and got confused. I need a version for dummies.
  8. mines doing good I spot feed it sometimes.
  9. Well the day I'm leaving got moved up to the 20th so it looks like I won't be attending any meeting for a while
  10. no not TDS I'm talking Calcium Hardness (*dh). The measurement in your aquarium is usually 8-12.
  11. On maast, craigslist, rc? where?
  12. I tested the Hardness of tap water here in gtown one day and it was a 14 right out of the faucet.
  13. That would be awesome. Let me know when I can check them out.
  14. i'll take the gobys and the K4s
  15. I'll take it. Any chance you are going to be up north in the near future?
  16. Summer is coming and I need a chiller. 1/3 hp will work i think, but I want a 1/2. Anyone have one laying around they want to sell? or know of any sweet deals? thanks
  17. Is the skimmer the pinwheel or the Venturi version?
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