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Posts posted by Nano_Steve

  1. Hey all,

    I wanted to extend my services as a seasoned aquarium carpenter to anyone in need of a stand and/or canopy for their new tank or an upgrade for an existing setup.

    I specialize in nano tanks but I have experience in specialty tanks like corner tanks and multiple-angled tanks as well as bowfronts.

    My prices are competitive and I can even work out a deal for frags at this time!

    If you have any interest in having a custom-made stand or canopy or an upgrade then let me know!

    Thanks, Steve

    P.S. I have photos of my handywork if required.

  2. Depending on what type of "Green Algae" you are talking about you might think about getting a Sea Hare, it will take care of Green Hair Algae like no other and they are excellent additions to tanks to keep things clean, it's just too bad they aren't prettier.


  3. I chiseled the top shelf rock last night so now the sides are away from the glass and I rearranged some of the supporting rocks to get better surface area for some zoos and rics later on.

    I also had the water tested yesterday at River City Aquatics and the results after a little over a week of being setup are as follows:

    Ammonia - 0

    Nitrite - 0

    Nitrate - 20ppm

    pH - 8.1

    KH - 10dkH

    Calcium - 400ppm

    Specific Gravity - 1.026

    I also purchased a <i>Dascyllus aruanus</i>, or Threestriped Damsel, and my girlfriend named him Shirokuro (Whiteblack in Japanese). He seems to be doing well and he is eating the Marine -S- pellets that we bought for him just fine. Everything seems to be going quite nicely for the first few days of the tank. I have used Aiptasia X on about 6 large Aiptasia and each of them has not returned and has shown no signs of life after treatment.

    A small diatom bloom has begun on some of the rocks and I will begin dosing Ca, Kalk, and Mg tomorrow morning to begin my dosing regiment.





    How much would you be willing to sell one of the small milli colonies and a decent sized frag of the monti for? I don't have anything to trade right now since I just set up my tank so I would have to pay cash depending on how much you want for them.

    Thanks, Steve

  4. Well, I've tried Peppermint Shrimp in the past and I've never once had one that I ever noticed a reduction in aiptasia. I've had both species.

    I've used Kalk before also and I never got the instant results like I had with this stuff. They are GONE! Completely gone today after just one application.


  5. I noticed that as well but he warned me about it beforehand. I went to Aquatek and bought some Aiptasia-X for 14.99 and thought it was a bit of a rip-off but when i went home and used it, the Aiptasia INSTANTLY melted and they are gone this morning! Well worth the price!!!


  6. Hey all,

    I'm reaaaaally interested in getting some of that nice bubble fiji liverock and a bunch of it! If anyone has some decent sized pieces (>8") I would be willing to pay premium price.


    If anyone is interested in going in on a group order I would be willing to set one up.

    Please let me know either way!

    Thanks, Steve

    P.S. The picture below is the kind of stuff I am talking about to give a visual idea.


  7. If you want me to build a replica of the stand it was on I could certainly do that in a couple of days (mostly for dry time on the paint/stain).

    I can make it as fancy or as simple as you like, price and build time would depend on what you specifically want. But if you just need something to set it on then I would go with Euclid's suggestion and check out some of those stores.


  8. It's mucus netting from an invert living in the rock. They usually will make tubes that protrude out from the rock but usually in darker holes so you won't usually see them.

    I had quite a few in some of my previous tanks and I used to watch them send the nets out and then particulate would get caught in the netting and they would suck it back in and feast on their catch! Pretty neat to watch if you've got 30 minutes to waste!


  9. Hey all,

    I finally took some photos and did a fill test of my 16gallon bowfront. I've had this tank for over 3 years and never once filled it!!! No leaks and the lighting and CPR AquaFuge PS all works!

    Enjoy these preliminary pics and I will have many more to come!








  10. I will call you around 2pm today and come by and pick it up! I'll bring some cash in case you haven't gotten rid of all the live rock also because I would like to get some of it.

    Have a safe trip!


  11. I have a 250w AquaMedic Pendant with 15k Ushio for $250 if you want it. It's 24" wide by 10" I think. I don't have the hanging wires to it though. It's great for SPS, I used it for only a couple of months on a 30 frag tank a few years back, but it works like new.


  12. Did you already throw away the sand? I've got my tank in a situation where I can now put in some sand and rocks but I don't know if you have already left or not. Let me know and I can come today if you are still around.

    Thanks, Steve

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