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Everything posted by Bmwaaron

  1. Thanks Hammondegge, Im in the process of setting up my 90 gallon so Im going to need allot of salt
  2. Carlos is it to late for me to get in on this? I need 1 bucket If its ok Ill take hammondegge's extra bucket
  3. I would think that Live rock and sand would be ok for awhile, you will probably have some die off but Im sure that the rock has seen much worse then what you will be doing to it. As far as getting some extra sand that would be great. Just shoot me an email [email protected] if you get any and Ill give you some extra for it
  4. Hello, Anyone know where to get any of the tropical play sands in austin IE yardright or Southdown? I tryed the HD's and seems all they have is the QUickright Silicon sand.
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