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Posts posted by innate1

  1. Dena if you want to have more of the LE's than you know what to do with target feed them. I'm glad they are doing good for you.

    On the palytoxin... when it's listed that 4micrograms can kill you I wouldn't take it lightly. That being said my hand are in the tank way too much and one day my jupiter's were dozed over by a turbo snail. I caught the paly's before they hit the sand bed and they slimmed me real good. The next morning I woke up with a cough. By the end of the day I couldn't quit coughing, my kidney's were on fire and I thought I would die. No antidote, no treatment. I drank a ton of water and felt better but was weak for a week. The toxin causes hemolysis (breaks apart blood cells) and promotes tumor growth. I wear gloves now or my wife gives me a ration of grief. I guess it's like this; do you know the difference between a major and minor emergency? A major emergency happens to ME! You never know how someone will react so I'd err on the side of caution. Just my two pennies.

  2. My wife has a theory that I'm buying into and that's as soon as you really dig sumpin in your tank it's days are numbered. Every morning I tell all my critters I hate em. It's been working for close to 6 months (fingers crossed).

  3. I think there was a thread on reef central that was about getting rid of marine ick and it was geared towards husbandry and use of a q.t. the long and short of it was that once introduced it took a great deal of care and time to get rid of.

  4. I was checking out the pacific aquarium site, there is a link on the group order thread, and they have a pretty informative section called reef school. It had a section about uv so I'm just pasting it here for you. Hope it helps.

    UV Sterilizers

    Another method of water purification that became popular at that time and is still used today is UV light purification. The basic theory is that water is passed through a glass tube that is surrounded by UV lamps that destroy organic matter. It seems like a great idea in theory. Problem is that soon the glass tube becomes coated with debris and film and then the UV light can not penetrate to the water and thus never actually cleans the water. Also, the size UV system that would be needed would have to be massive to really have any real effect, not practical for most home aquariums. These units are often sold for fish parasite control, but again the same applies here, the tube becomes coated and not much is accomplished. And, typically not all of the parasites will be in the water column so even if the kill rate of the UV was 100%, which it is not in most units, the parasite may never be in the water column so it will never be exposed to UV anyway. My personal advise after testing and using UV units for many years is to save your money and don’t bother with one, it will do little more than lighten your wallet and give you a false sense of security unless you can afford a very large unit.

  5. LiLs,

    the macro algae is uses the "bad" nutrients like nitrogen and phosphates to grow so it helps your tank by using those up before the dreaded green hair or bryopsis can. You'll use nori or seaweed from the lfs to feed your tangs.

  6. shoot Mama a pm and ask her what she sold me yesterday cause the stuff is the bombdiggity! I thought I had diatoms, it's what they looked like but whatever Mama told me to use started breaking up the stuff already and the tank looks great.

  7. I don't think it would work but I don't A) think it's the dumbest question of the year and 2) that it would necessarily hurt the tank so have at it and let us know. Now for something that is a soft hold, that miracle putty holds very weakly. I bought a three pack and would trade you a frag for one if you want to try it.

  8. i have a big baseball size rock full with pipe organ and a small rock with about 10 palys on it. Nice bright green center. Lmk if your interested.

    I've got some red digi I'd trade you.

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