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Everything posted by theangrycrab

  1. Hey Mark, The slimer you gave me is doing great, already growing a new branch. I really appreciate it every time i look at it.
  2. i have a coralife 10k that is only 5 months old, but i had replaced it with a phoenix because it looks yellow-white, but you are welcome to it. the corals didn't mind, i did. Lisa
  3. why yes, i must have a purpose to leave the neighborhood.
  4. Aquatek at noon on saturday is great for me. Lisa
  5. i need paypal information too.
  6. please put me down for 1 bucket. can paypal lisa
  7. i for sure want one. pmed you
  8. i have a large piece of green. pm me if interested
  9. Hi I am looking for a 14k 12k or 20k 250w DE, if anyone has one please send info how old, brand and how much you need for it. Right now I have 10k on it and looking to experiment with different bulbs. Thank you in advance
  10. sure, the afternoon tomorrow works good for me. i live off koenig lane by maccallum high. i have a little bottle that i can give you plenty in. i sent you a pm earler.
  11. i am home tomorrow or tonight, call me at 784-6601 i am pretty close to you. lisa
  12. what part of town are you in? i have plenty.
  13. [ok, this is what i would like 1 head -aussie purple blasto merletti 11.99 shield of RA 29.99 total $42.00 if this isn't enough to add to your order, i understand.
  14. I would like a couple of things, how do i pay? thank you for doing this lisa
  15. theangrycrab

    Zoa Trades

    i have armor of god 3 or 4 per plug
  16. i am interested in the green slimer or blue tort.
  17. would you trade for a frag of pavona coral? it is the green one. i will take a picture if you are interested.
  18. theangrycrab


  19. theangrycrab

    AOG colony

    From the album: aog

  20. Hi Abdul, Thank you so much for the shrimps, The xenia is a very cool color also. the shrimps are doing great and not hiding at all. Thank you again lisa
  21. Hi Abdul, Thank you so much for the shrimps, The xenia is a very cool color also. the shrimps are doing great and not hiding at all. Thank you again lisa
  22. what color is it casting? i have 2 65 watt actinics and right and trying to figure out what i want for the halide in the fixture.
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