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Everything posted by tropheusmaster

  1. aquadome is an awesome place, I drive there at least twice a month and I live in Temple.
  2. never saw my jawfish for 3 weeks now i see him rarely, sometimes he does free swim, he has tunnels in the whole tank
  3. ok sounds good, at 50 bucks i am surprised it has not sold already
  4. over flow boxes, all plumbing, Rio 2100 pump, 30 gallon tank $85.00 Temple 254-913-7587 Kenny
  5. lol he trying to buy your other stuff
  6. I have some of that and it is has awesome color under the atinics
  7. I sell u just those items if you want just make me an offer
  8. mine is the full setup complete sump setup
  9. i was told this was around 500 gph but i do not know for a fact. we tried to do the math and it seems that is true. it has a pretty deep box
  10. so sorry to hear about your tank, and very happy to see all the post from people willing to lend a helping hand
  11. It has come to our attention that there is a bill going to Congress, that would in its current form, would almost instantly put us out of business. It is HR 669. It will stop importation, breeding and transportation of all non-native species. Read the attachment included with this e-mail. This is not a hoax. It is real. This is scheduled to go up for vote later this month. If you would like to be able to keep your pets and hobby intact please take a few moments to e- mail the people listed in the e-mail. I would also suggest giving a shout to our representative Chet Edwards.
  12. he actualy posted it for me
  13. Hey anthony this is kenny, that is richards old old post
  14. WOW!!! I bet a green mandrin would be in hog heaven in your tank
  15. how fast will the peppermint shrimp work
  16. i found about 8 on 1 rock in my tank today and was wondering what to do about them
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