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Everything posted by AndrewT

  1. i will prolly through some water from my 55 and sand in there. My 55 is pretty well established
  2. Im going to be setting up my new 90 in a week or so and just looking for some input on getting it cycled and set up.... as far as watter ill probably use city water due to the fact that my tank is upstairs and i dont want to carry 5g buckets up stairs. I will treat the water for amonia and clorine. for my salt im debating between tropic marin and red sea... any idea which is better. for sand i may buy sand from prof i have my sand from my 55 too. what would be best to set the sand up. Dead sand or live store sand or a combo of my 55g sand and new sand....hmmm. also as far as mixing whats the best way to do this. Mix water and salt in tank then add sand? add sand then mix water? any help input or tricks to help get it cycled faster is much aprecieated thanks guys
  3. Thats exactlly what theyre doing in my tank. Ive noticed the little white spots that used to be purple. Im going to remove them dont want them in my new tank. Also have a lot of zoas and gsp dont want those getting eaten either
  4. I found two of these guys in my tank they look like a small starfish, but i have no idea where they came from????? Ive never had any starfish. any ideas?
  5. Thanks Calvin, but I just requested the 90 to be drilled and made reef ready. I have an hob that works great and have nothing against an hob but I am ready to take advantage of finally having a rr tank. Thanks
  6. I'm looking for a refugium that will filter a 90g tank. Lookin for a complete set up.
  7. I have a similar problem... my mandarins fins have been getting nipped and i was debating setting up a tank for him... what kind of iodine? I have a bottle of iodine antiseptic at home but not sure if its the right kind????
  8. becareful with that condy he'll get your corals
  9. haha yeah u convinced me to go ahead and upgrade. I'm going to try and upgrade all my equipment slowly but surely. I'll def need to borrow the extra skimmer you have cause my skimer is crap. I'll keep u updated.
  10. Lmk if anyone has one In good shape.
  11. what size tanks come with a length of 48". I'm giving it some serrious thought. How big of a tank will ur skimmer opperate?
  12. haha. I'm giving it some thought. I'm not sure what I'll do. If I can find a tank I might consider.
  13. I wish I could. But then then I'd have to get a new skimmer and better filtration and due to my outrageous tuition I'm broke. I think now would be the time but unfourtunatley don't have the funds.
  14. anyone who read my last post now knows that the stand I have my 55g on is about to give. I took mark and mikes advice and contacted dave for a new stand. I ended up getting this monster stand and canopy that should look great. It's a little rough but with some paint and new hindges it'll be perfect. So my question is how should I make the switch. Should I drain my whole tank. Drain half and then move it. Take all the rock out and drain? I'd like to disturb as little as possible. I have several sps and montis I don't want to risk damaging. I'm also worried about the fish. Should I try and catch them and then move the tank? Any help or ideas are wellcome thanks
  15. my cheap *** stand looks like it's on the verge of collapsing. This can't be safe.If anyone has. A tank stand canopy or all three for a good price please let me know. Doesn't have to be a 55g set up just want to make sure that it's 48inches long so I can use my same fixtures. Please let me know thanks
  16. also how can I insure that he'll have a steady source of pods. Do the reproduce fast in a tank. Someone had said dosimg small amount of phyto in the fuge would help. Any truth to that
  17. Update: the mandrin lives! I just now spotted him he seems well I have tons and tons of pods in my tank so I'm sure that he'll have ample food. I have a coral beauty, two anthias two clowns and a neon gobbie. Are any of these fish a threat to the madrins food source.thanks guys
  18. the brand is the trap. if anyones breaking down a tank or needing to catch a fish in your tank. This is perfect. I'm only asking 25 for it. I paid 50 a few months ago. I'm open to trades as well. Lmk thanks.
  19. if anyones breaking down a tank or needing to catch a fish in your tank. This is perfect. I'm only asking 25 for it. I paid 50 a few months ago. I'm open to trades as well. Lmk thanks.
  20. how hard are they to acclimate and keep? I picked one up yesterday and by the evening he loooked like he was gonna croak. Haven't seen him today. All my others are great and the gobie I bought yesterday looks fine too. Water parameters are all bueno what gives. Could I have just got a bad fish.
  21. I would. I have a prism an was relieved to get a new one. I just need to get a sump going to hook it all up. Those prisms are a pain in the ***. I'm constantly taking it apart to clean it. It either runs wet or not all sometimes. Goodluck.
  22. i had the same problem does ur cup have the two little barbs to conect to on it? if so your supposed to conect to the left till the chamber fills about 10-15 sec then move hose to the right barb once the inlet chamber fills. I have a prizm too i had somewhat of the same problem. Dunno if this helps any.
  23. AndrewT

    zoas for trade

    I have this small rock with 50 or so heads to trade. this is an older photo the zoas are a bit bigger now and have muliplied... lmk what youve got
  24. AndrewT


    I may take 2 timers from you can u pm me your number again. I can call you tomorrow
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