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Posts posted by BobcatReefer

  1. Got my ATO and Kalkwasser drip set up.

    Kalkwasser drip is a bit of a PITA...can't get the right drip rate. It's either 120+ drips/min or 30d/m, and I'm targeting 60d/m. Did some cord organizing as well.


    This is giving me fits. Even when I'm getting what I think is a consistent drip rate, one time the container drains in 8hrs, the next time over 3 days. I'll be a bit more vigilant on monitoring rate going forward, but it's tough to check and mark every hour.

    As far as helping keep my system stable, I'm not sure what's going on there either. For instance, yesterday was one of the times the entire container drained in a day, and the Alk & Ca values went down...isn't that backwards? Could use some suggestions on how to get my parameters a bit more stable. I did take Reburns advice and have been testing in the morning (added a test last night to see what the numbers looked like after the quick drain). Also, are my target ranges where they should be? I'm basing them off of some of y'all's readings in other threads.

    Target is 148-163ppm (8-9.13dKH)


    Target is 410-460ppm


    Target is 8.1-8.3


  2. Anyone have advice on how to get a rock flower anenome to attach? Got one yesterday and he's all over the place today.

    OK, so this guy wasn't super cooperative and just attached himself to the tupperware while it was in the display all week. So I used a razor blade to slide underneath him and placed him in a perfect little pocket of a rock and moved him to the sump w/ a drip tube set on full flow. He immediately left the perfect home I gave him and while he does seem to have attached himself to a rock, it's a terrible spot for actually getting him into the display. Still not sure how to manage that transition as I kind of want him on a depression on a wall and I'm afraid he's going to settle in an area I have reserved for a bigger piece down the road.


  3. Great stuff there, Ty.

    My only constructive criticism would be when you first went to cutting and the shot was all elbow and shoulder. FF was great, end close up was was great. Chuckled at the closing credits a bit as well!

    One area I think you do very well is the spoken part. You're pretty fluid, direct, and don't repeat yourself out of nervousness or feeling like you have to fill space. So many youtube instructional/hobby/diy vids are done by well intentioned, well informed people who make me want to stomp kittens w/ the way they present it verbally.

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  4. I chatted with Ty and got his permission to share this. If Ty had no trees and could take advantage of his roof for solar, this is an example of what we're talking about:

    9.36 kW system

    That would offset 82% of his usage (theoretically he'd still get 18% of his electricity from Austin Energy we estimate conservatively)

    With his usage, he needs a bigger roof for 100% offset!

    Before Solar:

    $177.82 Ty's average bill from Austin Energy over the last 13 months

    After Solar:

    $139.75 Net electricity cost per month

    [$107.59 SolarCity payment]

    [$ 32.16 AusEnergy bill]

    $ 38.07 monthly savings

    $456.84 annual savings

    *** Every single home/system is different. Every utility company we work with is different. ***

    That said, I have yet to see an evaluation where we could place solar for an Austin Energy customer and not save them money. Austin Energy pays for 25% of your system up front, so it's really hard for you to NOT save.

  5. Oh yes, I've been curious about solar ever since I got my house. Emailed as well

    I'm not seeing yours just yet. Would you mind sending it again?

    If I wasn't forced to use PEC, I'd be all over one. I have about 2000 sq ft of south facing roof and a utility provider who makes me wish I was still with COA.

    We'll have PEC approval "shortly" and I'll update this thread when that happens. I'm dying for it, because the area I'm actively working butts up against PEC to the SW.

    Same thing with Juiceman and Bluebonnet out in Manor. He's got a PERFECT roof for it too - giant, unobstructed mounting plane, facing the right azimuth.

    I had a company do a solar audit and they determined that we couldn't do it because we had too much shading from my neighbor's big tree. BOO!

    Yup - looking at your house and both neighbors have trees keeping you from clean, low cost, solar energy.
  6. OK ARC, I'm taking the plunge into a Professional Membership in hopes of landing a sale or two. I think reefers are pretty much my target demographic and it supports the site, so it seemed like a good fit. Going to break up the posts a bit, otherwise it would be a giant wall of text, and add just a bit each day so that I can keep some eyes on it. Please feel free to chime in with questions or thoughts along the way!

    I sell residential solar systems for SolarCity, and I would like to do an evaluation on your house to see if we can save you money. If you'd like to know what a solar solution looks like for your home, please PM me with your email and I can get started right away. I can turn around an evaluation in about 24h, once I have a bill and usage (see attached file for Austin Energy Customers).



  7. When my ex bought me an aquarium some 17 years or so ago, I cycled with 2 b&w damsels. She wanted to name them Salt & Pepper and I told her not to get too attached, because the next fish in was going to eat them. She didn't believe me and was sad about a month later.

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  8. As pretty as those Vertex sumps are, am I the only one that thinks they look incredibly cramped? Impressive that they can fit everything in there, but all I can think of is how much a pita it must be to pull the skimmer or return pump for maintenance. I also use my sump to float and drip acclimate, but that doesn't look like it would be real useful for that. I mean, I'd take it and all....whistle.gif

  9. Well, that's the question, HG! laugh.png

    Chemically, I would have to think it doesn't. My guess is that Ty's explanation is closer to correct, but even then, flow rate is determined by the most limiting factor (whether initial pump power or smallest opening diameter) so there shouldn't be a higher flow rate in one chamber vs another.

    I'm going to ping BRS just to get an official answer. My prediction is that they come back w/ something along the lines of "Not critical, but suggested because _____________."

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