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Everything posted by BornToHula

  1. Really like the weekly FTS idea. I'm going to try and copy that for my thread once I get corals and fish in!
  2. Doesn't look like much but I spent quite a bit of time this weekend trying to get the wires under control. Also got the first cleanup crew in. Ended up getting: 10 Nassaruis Snails 5 Large Turbo Snails 2 Smaller Conchs 10 Trochus Snails Tuxedo Urchin I had to turn off the T5's for now to try and slow down the Diatom growth and let the clean up crew catch up. Currently only running the LEDs at a lower setting.
  3. Cool, I'll definitely put them on the list to try out.
  4. Thanks for the input. Do you use anything that turns over the sand? I don't want a conch at this time so Nassarius and Cerith snails were all I could think of. I will be adding a tuxedo urchin, as well as moving my two Emeralds from my 75g. I'll probably add the urchin around the same time I add fish to the tank (in a week or so). I've never had good luck with the big turbo snails, they always died off after a couple months even though almost all my other snails are 1-2+ years old. Maybe with more area for them to graze in the new tank it will help them survive better.
  5. Everything is working great so far! Really impressed with the lights and skimmer. The tank is almost done cycling, on Friday a cleanup crew will be added. I'm going to try to get all the cleanup crew locally. I'm thinking something this for the first batch. Keep in mind that there isn't much in the tank yet, just tiny patches of algae that have popped up. 15 Cerith Snails 20 Nerite Snails 10 Nassaruis Snails Does that sound reasonable?
  6. Ah that was it. The USB cord from the older unit does not work with the new unit. The new unit's USB cord works on both though.
  7. Here's a picture with the Powermodules on. The iPhone isn't very good at taking pictures of blue light. I was able to program the older unit with the ATI light program, but the newer unit ins't being recognized by the USB. Have to troubleshoot that tonight.
  8. I'm glad I upgraded to two new 20 amp circuits. Just the two 500W heaters pull 7 amps ! I haven't plugged in the Powermodules to apex to see how many amps they pull, but I'm guessing around 4 amps each when all the T5s are turned on. Luckily the skimmer and return pumps are pretty efficient, they draw less than 1 amp for both.
  9. That's just the canopy. I didn't have time to install the lights last night, just got them all set up and ready for install tonight.
  10. Managed to get the canopy on last night. Its not too heavy but when you have to lift it 6.5 feet it becomes a chore! I also got all the exhaust fans wired and working as well as new t5 bulbs installed in each light fixture. Went with the following bulb setup to see how they look. If its too blue I may switch out some Coral Pluses for Aquablue Specials, which despite the name apparently don't give off too much blue. Blue Plus Coral Plus Blue Plus Purple Plus ==LED== Coral Plus Blue Plus Coral Plus Blue Plus
  11. We are up and running! Bulkhead and the left return line has been re-plumbed. No leaks so far *knock on wood*. Also got the skimmer running as well as the WAV powerheads running. Really like the setup and controllability of the WAVs. Tomorrow hopefully I can get the gyres up and running and get the canopy/lights on. Also the daunting task of cable management Once everything is cycled I'll be moving rock from my 75 over, so the right side of the tank will eventually have some rock there.
  12. I'd make a terrible plumber. I don't think I actually need a check valve, I have a ball valve right next to it. If I need to stop all the water flow I can just turn the valve. I think I can make a threaded bulkhead work now, just have to change my plumbing around a little bit.
  13. True! I had to order the bulkheads online, it appears I am the odd man out in needing slip bulkheads which no one carries. My return lines don't have room to turn for threaded. Also, for some reason my 1" check valve uses a non-standard union size . Have to order that too. Hopefully as long as the water is kept circulating it will be fine until the replacement parts come in.
  14. When I did the leak test with tap water everything was working perfectly. Now that I filled the tank up with saltwater..... a return line bulkhead has a major leak! Going to have to find a 1 inch bulkhead and do some emergency plumping fast!
  15. Worst part of this hobby: Wire Management! Also got the fancy bit of aquascape in the tank today
  16. Finally got everyone eating! I guess ARC doesn't allow gifv format, but the first link shows the Blenny and Anthias Blenny and Anthias
  17. First round of fish are in from the Diver's Den and in quarantine! The Blenny is hiding behind the marinepure blocks but you can see his head poking out. I have been trying to get the fish eating and have fed very small quantities of NLS pellets, mysis, brine shrimp, spirulina flakes and nori sheets. The Blenny has eating everything I've fed except the nori. The Anthias have eaten mysis and brine shrimp. The Lemonpeel hasn't eaten anything yet I have some mussels I will try next for the Lemonpeel. He's an active bugger so he is bound to be hungry.
  18. Well I have decided that I don't like ordering fish online and this will likely be the last time I do so. It's too stressful waiting for UPS when they miss their morning delivery time and you have to be in the office during the afternoon. Good idea on extending the visual inspection period. While I have the equipment, I don't think I am going to do the tank transfer method unless I see ich is present. My Quarantine tanks are 40g and 36g so that will be a lot of saltwater being used.
  19. Well unfortunately the McCullochi Dottyback perished at the Diver's Den . Hopefully the get another specimen soon.
  20. In the past I have only done a 21 day quarantine to visually inspect the fish before transferring into the display tank. I never found any signs of anything so no medication was ever used. This time around I want to be a little more proactive and pre-treat for Ich and other parasites. What I have planned: Prazi Pro treatment first (5-7 days) Large water change/ Run carbon for 2 days New Life Spectrum Ich Shield Powder treatment (21 days) Visual inspection for a day or two and if it looks good into the tank they go. Any comments or suggestions on this procedure?
  21. Aquascape is progressing slowly, but I expect to have water in and start the cycling process this weekend I also have my quarantine set up so new fish can start coming in. These guys will be coming in Thursday!
  22. I used oak, but if I had to do it again I would use a lighter wood. The weight of the oak and lights is too much for the heavy duty lid stays. The lights do blind you when you open the top.
  23. Leak test has been successful! No leaks except for a bad O-Ring that was an easy fix. Turns out on the bean animal drain, the main siphon drain pipe can only be under the waterline in the sump by half an inch or the siphon will not start. Works like a charm now. The next issue I need to fix is the water noise coming from the filter sock area. The filter sock holder I made from acrylic doesn't quite fit right so a lot of the water goes down the sides instead of through the socks.
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