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Posts posted by discuspro

  1. Well, I was thinking my idea isn't that far from a frag bank, maybe. Just to have a main place to display pictures, info and stuff about the frags would be good. Making the site designs could maybe come through meetings or through someones great artistry. The fedex account I don't know if that would work but it would be cool. Those people that are big in the business started somewhere, I want to get some of our names on some corals like the big names!

  2. Alright I just have an idea that I have to share. I just bought a coral frag from exoticreefs.us and it came to me, what if us Austinites in the Austin Reef Club could setup a store like that to sell frags online. Creating a reputation, a resource pool, and making an attractive website design and images, I believe, really can bring in some $$$. Fragfarmers, Reeffarmers, etc. sell pieces that draw attention by uniqueness and name. Selling individually may make it harder for other people to believe they are going to get what they ordered or something bad like that. Creating an official site could generate more confidence in a buyer rather than idividual sales.

    So, this is how I picture it: We create a link from the main entrance of Austin Reef Club and call it TexasFrags or Austinfrags, or something good. We put together a library of corals according to genus and species and then by name, or vis-versa. For each genus/species/name there would be a list of frag providers in Austin most likely from the Austin Reef Club. I don't know if it would work but maybe we could create a fedex account. Once someone in Texas or somewhere else in the world wants to buy a frag the specific frag provider would be notified. Then either a coordinator or the frag provider themself would then ship the coral via the fedex account. Payment would go directly to the frag provider or maybe through a treasurer.

    The tricky thing I just thought about would be consistency in frag quality from one frag provider to the next. I believe on way to get over that one would be to provide photos of the actual piece a buyer would recieve.

    There is a bunch I haven't thought about but I just had to post it.

    I think it would be fun, there could be meetings on new strains Austin Reef Club members come up with, ideas about sales and all kinds of things!

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