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Posts posted by jolt

  1. When will the book be printed? Farmer Ty's Coral Reef 215 Build coming to a store near you.

    If you read back a ways in the thread there is a 'Cliff's Notes' style summary of the entire thread to that point that is spot on and hilarious.

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  2. In my experience most hdpe tanks are drop shipped from a manufacturer and take 6-8 weeks. You could try calling tank depot in austin to see if they have something in stock. Alternatively, Tractor Supply has a 35 gallon leg-style tank that might work for you. And they have it in stock. Google: Tractor Supply leg style storage tank 35 gal

  3. +1 to what Jestep said. Especially starting slow. You should be able to pick up a couple of $10 acros at the upcoming frag swap.

    I have frag racks on the side of my tank, which gets less light than the more central areas. I typically do not adjust my lights to acclimate. I leave the frags on the edge where I can watch them closely (I have a magnifying glass I use to check for issues, polyp extension, etc.) After a 2-4 weeks I just move them over to where I want them.

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  4. If it were not for the fact that you are in south Austin and I have already made more trips down there than I would care this quarter I would trade you a 20 tall for it.

    I grabbed a 20 gallon tank at petco's dollar per gallon sale this weekend anyway. I'm driving up north this sunday, if you decide to go the cash route ..

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