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Posts posted by Lorien

  1. Ok, I am still going to reread the link again tomorrow, and decide what to do. It seems to me from reading the article, what I have is a genetically weak fish (fancy molly who is pregnant), a bully male who doesn't care about the other three females in the tank (what a jerk). I had some poor water quality a couple days ago when I removed some substrate and replaced it with crushed aragonite, maybe that triggered it? I just changed the filters and added macros as well as a small water change. I don't think water quality is an issue anymore at least. I am going to try restraining the bully to a net container tomorrow and give her a chance. She seems to be fighting it so far.

    Thanks for the help, and the great link. I will hang onto it for future reference. Athough, I hope I don't need it.


  2. Since adding macros, my nitrates have dropped from 20 to 5ppm and ammonia is up from 0 to .25. I am assuming that more nitrate is on the way, with the ammonia spike. Should I wait and retest? How long should I wait to see? Should I add a supplement so my macros don't starve?



  3. I love my saltwater mollies too. I got some at petsmart and some fancier ones at Aquatek. Then I saw some of the fancy ones at another petsmart. Try different petsmart and save $8 per fish. LOL!

    It doesn't look like I am going to need to buy more. One of my females had babies the first night in the tank, and 5 lived to be larger than meal size. I am going to have a lotta mollies soon... Great fun!


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  4. I researched decorator crabs, but the seem to be kinda psycho killers. I am becoming very suspicious of crabs in general. I already have hermits that ate some snails. Yes, I have the whole tank littered in extra shells, didn't save the snails apparently. thumbsdown.gif

  5. I thought it might be eating it, so I left it there for two days. But, it was much smaller when I pulled it out. I think it was really stuck. I am going to keep an eye on it before I get any more. Silly creatures.

  6. Thanks, y'all. I am toying with the idea of collecting them, so they would need to be fed eventually. I did find a recipe for urchin cookies that looks doable, but after my one urchin got stuck in a macro for a couple days, I am not so sure about the urchin collection plan...

  7. Updates! Some of the things that are going on over here... Everything is growing fast. Even the huge waving hand xenia is, although it is still pretty pissed. It is starting to fill in where I assume there was once a rock in its former home.

    1) FTS

    2) Patrick's macros are working well and I think I finally found places where all of them are happy.

    3) I love my black spotted orange molly pair, but they swim to fast to get good pics. I will keep trying.

    4) These yellow whatsis (?) have already doubled in size and spread to new places!

    5 and 6) Today's new inhabitants two more hermits, two giant snails and two tiny starfish (my faves).

    I am having such a blast! Tomorrow I am going to beef up the contents of my filters and see about polishing the water a bit.








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  8. Thanks so much Patrick, we had a blast! I am almost finished putting things in place after both your macros and the awesome gifts at the meeting, I have had a lot of work to do. grin.png I hope to have updated pictures this evening. Everything looks great and is growing fast.

  9. The internet says that urchins can eat nori sheets. My urchin does not have even the slightest interest in my nori sheets. Is this because he isn't hungry or because my nori is "roasted?" How and where would I find raw nori sheets or do I even care?



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