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Everything posted by xcreonx

  1. Any one have any chaeto? I need some for a new fuge. Bagful or handful.. whatever you got. I'm on South Congress and Riverside, but could drive a bit to meet. Lemme know!
  2. Your inverts should be fine in a 5 gallon bucket with an air pump and a heater set correctly. You will need to acclimate them to the new water if it is not from the tank they are currently in. And yes you could put some rock in there too. I'm sure they would prefer it to the plastic bottom!
  3. xcreonx

    What to add?

    Both of those tank will be very challenging. The mangroves will be 'easier' to keep alive. I had a pretty good sized mangrove tank in Florida, but I did have access to unlimited mangrove seeds and mud from their natural environment. Contrary to popular belief, they do need more than just a pc light above them. I have a pot of them growing on my balcony under full sunlight. They're less than a year old and about 2 feet tall. Under a metal halide or fluorescents, they'd be about 8-10 inches tall at this point, as they were in my tank back in FL. Seagrass is another beast. I did collect alot of grass myself, mostly Turtle grass and Manatee grass. I had a terrible time keeping it alive. Sea grass comes from a very dynamic part of the ocean. The water is usually no more than 10-15 feet deep with great surges and flow. I had a 400w MH and lots of flow in a 29g and didn't have much success. I know "Samala" on reef central has some good info on keeping grasses. If you want true nutrient export, mangroves and grasses are not your best bet. Look into the myriad of macroalgae available. There are some beautiful displays created with just macros.
  4. xcreonx

    ARC salt

    I've used IO and Red Sea salt for years with no issues. A few months ago, after talking to john and his success with Tropic marin, I bought a box and I have to say everything in the tank looks great. I'll stick with the Tropic Marin for a while. Especially sine John has it in stock.... gotta support the good guys! blob7.gif
  5. Thanks Yeah I know where to get them, I have several as it is, many from my childhood. I shoot primarily 16mm and super8 myself. Ebay is good, but shipping on those big 16mm projectors is quite a bit... were talking $50-60 for a $150 projector... too much! Anyways, I'm asking here just as another outlet.
  6. Anyone have any old film projectors laying around, taking up space, that you'd like to get rid? I'm doing some work with 'old film' aesthetics for graduate school. I'm looking for: - Super8 w/ or w/o sound - Regular 8mm - 16mm w/ or w/o sound I will pay, of course. Let me know! Thanks, in advance.
  7. Gabriel, you've got PM
  8. Read up on the laws about collecting certain types of coral. In Florida you'll be thrown in jail and your boat will be taken for touching stony corals or live rock. Other corals and fish you need a saltwater fishing license and there are regulations as far as how much and what kinds can be taken. Again, that's Florida, but I imagine the rules apply here too. In my opinion, buying aquacultured is the responsible way to go. Collecting from the ocean is difficult.
  9. xcreonx


    Xenia Sea Anemone??? I've heard of Xenia and Anemones...
  10. xcreonx


    What are the dimensions on the 25g? I would prob take that off your hands.
  11. You test for TDS with a TDS meter. Either a run-through style, which is what I use, or a handheld type that you swirl in the water for a few seconds. Either one is good. Don't assume your RO/DI unit is producing pure, clean water. Filters get dirty, water can be soooo nasty that you might need several filters, etc. etc. fwiw, when I lived in Florida our tap water came out of the faucet around 700ppm TDS! That's NASTY! I had to use 2 sediment filters, one carbon, one RO and 2 DI filters to get 0 TDS. Never had any algae issues either. WORTH THE PRICE!
  12. I saw that one the other day. I believe it is actually a Stylaster or Distichopora, commonly called a Lace coral. It is in fact non-photosynthetic and a deep-water dweller. I had one as a hitchhiker on some tonga branch rock. It did okay for a while, then bleached and died almost instantly. I've read they shouldn't be exposed to air.
  13. I got a custom 35g starfire tank from Miracles in Glass. WONDERFUL company and a beautiful tank. It's cube-like.... 24"x18"x18". They're on the pricey side... with shipping from Canada and all.. but it wasn't any more than Oceanics bid on the same custom build.
  14. Oh, and in my old tank I had my fuge w/ chaeto lit 24/7.
  15. I don't see any reason to use anything other than Chaeto for nutrient control. For aesthetic reasons, different species of caulerpa (and other macros) can be quite beautiful and useful (seahorse hitching, pod populations, etc.). There are some gorgeous planted tanks on RC and other boards. But for straight filtering, you can't beat Chaeto, in my opinion.
  16. Yes I did sell it. Thanks for asking tho [/i]
  17. You can't really dust for vomit...
  18. Awesome. Ill call you on Saturday.
  19. So, last chance before it goes to consignment and costs twice the price... $100 obo
  20. xcreonx

    Coral sale

    im interested in the candy cane. got a pic?
  21. xcreonx


    Im interested if you've got some more.
  22. Bubbles are pretty tough corals. Give it a chance and it could heal up. You said a piece of a plate coral fell on it? Plate coral as in a Fungia? If so, why do you have a Fungia in the rocks?! Those guys move all over the place and have to be on the sand.
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