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Everything posted by Sushi

  1. lol I have a bunch of those tiny green ones that showed up in my live rock, they multiply quickly! But are easy enough to control if they get out of hand... I really like mine -Kat
  2. yep, we have two right now. -Kat
  3. Sushi


    Donkey is right. Don't worry about your light, you have plenty enough for zoos, they really aren't very demanding in that way. Just let it be, and it'll come around. ...Also, it could just not want to open up for a bit, just because its closed doesn't mean anything is wrong, you'll only want to worry if it stays closed for longer than a few days. especially since all of your others are doing fine. -Kat
  4. Clams really take there time getting used to a new tank, sometimes it can take a few weeks for them to fully adjust. Try putting a half shell or flat piece of rock on the bottom of your tank (under the sand), then place your clam, buried slightly, in the sand on top of that. That way when it does get comfortable it'll put its foot down on the half shell instead of the bottom glass or your rock work, and you can move it around safely. You really don't want to move it around much though, ESPECIALLY if its attached itself to something you can't move because you might damage its foot, and if you do that you could seriously harm the clam (just like an Anemone). -Kat
  5. Most likely its just the natural progression of your tank, but if you're really worried about it I'd check the phosphate levels first, there seems to be a lot of it in Austin tap water. Don't forget if you're using the cheap phosphate kit from API "0" is really closer to 0.5 and it only has to be at 0.2 to start affecting your tank. Headless Donkey is right about adding to your cleaning crew. I'd get a small assortment of snails (different breeds do well at different temperatures and in different tanks, so you'll want to test them all out and see which ones work best for you) and maybe a Conch. Once they get bigger they won't do much for your glass and rocks, but the do a bang up job on the sand bed, and really seem to go after red slime. -Kat
  6. Sushi

    ID please

    I'm gonna have to go with the fuzzy pirate on this one, even really young True Percs tend to have more black then False Percs. -Kat
  7. Sushi

    Hya All ^_^V

    Deffinatly! -Kat
  8. Sushi

    hello all

    Hya Capt'n! I have come to the decision that because of our mutual love of lion fish you shall forever be know has the the Fuzzy Pirate! -Kat
  9. Sushi

    Hya All ^_^V

    lol I bet I could take ya! after all I've got the advantage of being a girl ^_~ If you get the chance I'd recommend Fintique (I swear its like the fish mecca of SA), and a little place in New Braunfels called Darby's (They have a pet catfish there thats 22 years old... or there abouts). Most of the others didn't impress me. Thats Steve's favorite eel, so we almost always have one around... This guy is something to behold too. He's about 2 1/2 to 3 feet long and VERY active... I think its a toss up between a Japanese Dragon Eel and the Honeycomb... those have got to be my favorites in the eel family. Me too! Lion fish are what got me into the idea of a salt tank, and I'd love to find a way to sneak a fu man chu into my set up, but it really wouldn't work out well with what I have in there right now. I went the cutesy route with a hint of shock factor. I've got a full reef tank that is home to a pair of false perks, a baby fox face (he's only 2 inches long right now), a green mandrin (my overall favorite right now), and a pair of pearly sailfin mollies. Thats right. Mollies. Oh! btw you should check out the fuzzy leaf fish we've got in at the moment, he's really neat and needs a good home. Ask Steve about him when you go (I'd show you myself, but I'm off this weekend). ...oh and look for the sunflower coral we've go in the acro tank... its really sweet ... personally I'm into the Caulastreas (candy canes are awesome!) and zoanthids.... hmmm... maybe its the "deadly beauty" zoanthids = fem fatale ...nah, to cheesy even for me ^_~ Gotta represent! ^_~ -Kat
  10. Sushi

    Hya All ^_^V

    Hya CaptainBob... its nice to finally meet someone from one of the other Austin stores... what sort of stuff do you keep in your personal tank?
  11. Sushi

    Hya All ^_^V

    lol thanks everyone It feels good to be so welcomed! I'm not sure yet when the shipment will come in, we have to see how much tank room opens up this weekend, then we'll order accordingly. I'll post a concert date in the Store's section when we know more. yes, Happy Caturday eve ^_~ -Kat
  12. Sushi

    Hya All ^_^V

    Thanks! lol thats ok, hopefully we'll make lots of room this weekend so we can bring something interesting in next week ( I love delivery day ) -Kat
  13. Sushi

    Hya All ^_^V

    Hi I'm Steve Chapman's Asst. over at Horizon Aquatics (formerly Horizon Pets), and I just wanted to introduce myself to all of you who don't already know me ^_~ ... I'm the tall girl behind the counter. I've been into this hobby (well, freshwater really) for a few years now, and was lucky enough to land a job here at Horizon! Steve isn't a big fan of computers (he prefers face-to-face so come down and see him when ever you get the chance), so he asked me to check in from time to time. I'm going to do my best to keep our little corner of the ARC forums up to date! Let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything I can help you with (If I don't have the answer, I'll ask Steve for you ^_^V ) -Kat
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