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Posts posted by JCAB

  1. It's actually pretty cool looking, esp. when it starts moving around.

    I think it would have been easier for me to kill it when getting it out, rather than putting it in a container and watching it all day....I'm sending it to a better place as soon as I find the clove oil.

  2. Here is a picture of the one I caught. Now I need to trap the second one. What am I supposed to do with it? I feel bad killing it (I assume clove oil works the same on them as it does on FW fish). I wonder if the Austin Aquarium would take it...


  3. Anyone want a polyclad flatworm? You'll have to take the second still in my tank (I think it "broke" into 2. It was only half way in when I yanked the trap out. It had gone half in before when the frackin cleaner shrimps came in and scared it away. It was going in again when I saw the shrimp coming back so I panicked. I think I'm gonna call it a night (as soon as my adrenaline goes down) as I imagine it won't come back out to eat if it's hurt. I'll try to post a picture of the one I caught.

  4. Just today. Have to leave by 4 and won't be back until midnight. I tried moving the rock the clam is on, and it's definitely attached, but still moving around so I'm worried I will accidentally tear the foot off.

  5. Thanks, Sherita...I'll try to sneak into Home Depot before the wedding. My tank has RGB's, would putting them on red be the same (no clue why I just now thought of that)?

    Any idea if the clam would be safe if I leave the room light on or maybe the blues dimmed as much as possible? I really don't think I'd be able to move the clam today without injuring it - I just got it yesterday and it's already started attaching. I can move the rock it's on, but it doesn't seem to have a complete foothold. Talk about timing.

    If I ever find one of those nems, you'll be the first person I contact!

  6. Thanks, I saw that one. Going to try it tonight. My daughter was given "finger tip lasers" for her birthday (not surgically implanted) and one of them is red, so going to use that tonight and hopefully not scare it away before I can trap it. Explains why my CUC is missing in action! Now to try to move the clam before I have to head out to a wedding. Why do these things never happen at a convenient time? And why don't I ever get the sparkly, frosted rainbow brite rose anemone that does windows as a hitchhiker?!?

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  7. Thanks for the advice. I'm gonna trythe last two suggestions before I remove the rock. Removing the LR is almost impossible without causing a collapse of all 150lbs....and of course I have a crocea in there. I'm going to move the clam to the other side of the tank in the hope that the flatworm will not travel too far from its home.

  8. So last night I made the mistake of using my iphone light to look at my tank. I saw two large bristle worms (at least 3 inches) which I was surprised by since I have 5 wrasses and something that looked to be about the size of a 50 cent coin, seemed to be oval in shape (it was draping the LR, so a little difficult to tell, but didn't seem long and skinny), translucent with some purple in it (almost looked like coraline) and the edges of the body waived with the current (like a stingray). As soon as the light hit it, it stuck to the side of the LR covering it perfectly (if I hadn't seen it move, I would have never been able to spot it). Did I just describe a flatworm? I've searched on the net and haven't found a picture that looks exactly like the thing I saw. Unfortunately, I was unable to get a good picture and I have the identifying abilities of Ms. Swan. If it is likely a flatworm and I need to get rid of it, does anyone have experience doing so without using chemicals? Thanks!

  9. Hi everyone. I had a canopy "built" for my tank. Unfortunately, the person I paid didn't build it but instead gave me a used canopy. The problem (other than not telling me that's what he was doing) is that it is one big piece (it looks like it used to have hinges for a bottome piece?) and I basically have to set it back a few inches from the front in order to feed (maintenance, moving/adding things is an extreme hassle). Therefore, I am looking to see if anyone has a canopy they are looking to sell. Alternatively (I'd be willing to pay someone to modify the one that I have . Let me know. Thanks!

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