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Posts posted by JCAB

  1. I see the same pattern with mine Jimbo. I had the ich brought in by a wrasse and have been fighting it for over a month. Lost a few fish but the rest seem ok. Healthy appetite. I wonder if one of the suppliers has an outbreak in their system as there seems to be an abundance of ich going around. Or maybe it's always like this.

  2. I looked online and one thing that came up frequently was lack of oxygen in the water (although it seems that more than the one fish would be affected)...but just in case, I thought I'd mention it. I'm not sure what your current set up is, but be sure that your power head is agitating the surface so there is sufficient gas exchange, or you have a skimmer running, or a trickle filter, etc.

  3. I am going through approximately 5 gallons of topoff water every 2.5 days on my 100 gallon tank with 30 gallon sump. I haven't found any leaks so I'm hopeful that it's due to the central heat being on more. Anyone else having a similar experience? I seem to recall something similar last year, but don't recall it being this excessive.

  4. Ty,

    For the leopard wrasse, if you know where it sleeps, you can set the net over the spot so that it will swim into it when it comes up (or you can be more heartless and scoop it out while it's asleep)...or so I've been told. I've never actually done this, although that's how the dome caught the leopard wrasse they sold me.

  5. The problem I have with my Apex sensor in the stand is that it's too humid in there, so it goes off constantly (even though it's not actually touching water) . I've had to place it outside of the stand. I haven't yet tried to find a solution, so I don't know if there's a way to calibrate it to make it less sensitive. Just a heads up before you purchase one!

  6. I have one with wrasses and it's not overly aggressive. It has never bothered me leopard wrasse. If anything, it mostly does its own thing and ignores the others, but it will stand up for itself and not back down from the more aggressive tank mates. Worse I've ever seen it do is "body check" a fish, but never any dipping. Of course, all fish are different...

  7. I had mine lose all it's tentacles while I was out on vacation (my ph kept reading high so I had my friend dose vinegar - turned out probe had lost calibration so it was never as high as I thought). They grew back after a few months. One year later, it's 3/4 to normal length.

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  8. I would recommend that you keep him (and the others) well fed. So long as they keep eating, I have had great success helping them through it. The only time I lost one was when I took a tang out and put him in quarantine. The stress of catching him, transferring to a new tank and medicating him caused him to stop eating and he essentially starved. If you decide to catch yours, the easiest way I found was to put the veggie clip high in the tank. I then used a large net and quickly scooped him out (don't hesitate). Good luck and don't panic!

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  9. Have you tried asking the LFS what it was eating? Mine didn't eat for a week, then found out they were eating flake. They soon started eating the flakes and slowly added frozen to their meals.

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