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Everything posted by ACampbell

  1. Sorry to digress from the topic, but I have a few grips about the contest. 1) Apparently new photos get placed in front of older ones. (Which is wack when there is 500 photos.) In order to get the best exposure it would be best to submit just before voting. 2) I can vote all day long and there's not much if any validation. It doesn't seem to be initiating sessions or collecting IPs. Why not write a script that votes for you? 3) Some photos are obviously PSed, such as the beagle falling from the sky, which is against the rules. Others have borders and such that make them stand out. 4) People can submit 10 pictures of the same dog or even the same picture twice, which dilutes the voting pool.
  2. Removed due to lack of use and lack of funds. However, we are currently ad free. I'll pay for everything for the time being. Don't forget to help out if you can. Enjoy!
  3. I voted for Dex! Also submitted mine.
  4. ACampbell

    New to ARC

    Welcome Kooolaid! Good luck with the move.
  5. There was a design flaw. Just because someone was nominated and won, doesn't mean the will necessarily take the time to write up the article. We need a better process if we're going to continue to do featured tanks.
  6. You should write some reef keeping related apps. Like a tank parameter log app or maybe emulate some of the reef central calculators? Just a thought. Good luck with the dev. Look forward to trying stuff out.
  7. Sure, it's super easy. Just add this code inbetween the head tags of your pages: <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/apple-touch-icon.png"/> Then just make a png that is 57 x 57 px, name it apple-touch-icon.png, and put it in your root directory. Apple Dev Link
  8. seahorsejl... This is for you... Get your hands on the SDK? I'm so excited about the Exchange Activesync!
  9. I use quicktime pro, but I'd like to know what others are using as well.
  10. ACampbell


    From the album: Andrew's 125

    Copperband Butterfly

    © &copy; Andrew Campbell

  11. ACampbell

    Dwarf Moray

    From the album: Andrew's 125

    Here is my new Golden Dwarf Moray Eel. (Gymnothorax melatremus)

    © &copy; Andrew Campbell

  12. Congratulations! Your an inspiration to us all!
  13. ACampbell

    Puple Digi

    © &copy; Andrew Campbell

  14. I got these earlier today: "Gabes Acro" Macro blue tort macro
  15. Bubbles are definitely not working for me. Any graphic designers wanna help out? Send me a PM. I'm probably going to change it back to normal for the time being.
  16. Wow you really got that clam. I like seeing that intake siphon in detail!
  17. Welcome to the Club!
  18. Ordered mine. Should be in next week!
  19. Hmmm, working for me. Must have been very brief.
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