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Everything posted by new55galSALT

  1. not highjack but i have some kenya trees as well
  2. gahhhh.... i hate work and not enough sleep

  3. @jamesR sorry do u still have the lps left let me know
  4. If only i had a bucket of salt to trade ...GLWS
  5. I have some kenya tree frags i could give u let me know 254-251-1331
  6. I could do a 4 head of frogspawn and maybe a toad stool frag
  7. Let ne know some prices and pictures
  8. As the title says im looking for lps coral my 75 gallon is finally ready in my eyes for some coral im wanting lps because i like the way it looks and its easier then sps let me know what you have cheaper the better 254-251-1331
  9. new55galSALT

    Misc stuff

    If the power heads are still available i would like to buy both
  10. Come get them ill be out working on the motorcycle so ill be home text me
  11. I have a plenty as they keep growing ... shoot me a text 254-251-1331
  12. Well i lost all coral in my 20 fish look fine but all coral died i dont know what happened thinking bout moving the fish to the 75 and setting the 20 as a sump
  13. Weekends are usually packed with work but i could try to squeeze you in
  14. Your welcome if you want more let me know
  15. I still have some for anyone who wants to get some
  16. i would like the AquaSD Dragon soul favia let me know if its still available
  17. thanks for picking them up i will start putting them in a bag and floating them so they wont attach to my rockwork so ill have more to give
  18. Added a lion fish i love him soo cool and yes i know he will eat my peps
  19. new55galSALT


    waiting on payday deffinatly want it
  20. great tank i have one just like it. great for tall scaping and not a huge foot print... good luck with sell ...
  21. new55galSALT


    is the Eheim compact + 2000 pump sumbersible? im looking for a return pump for a sump setup for my 75 gallon let me know.. also my be interested in the 150w mH
  22. shoot me a text i get off work at 6pm but wont be home til around 7
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