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Posts posted by sifuentes31

  1. So i got into a discussion with some guy in San Antonio about both Rowa and GFO. He was so adamant about using Rowa Phos and didn't want to hear about anyone using anything else. For me i told him the HCGFO was better because that is what i have been using for 2+ years and has worked great for me . Still seemed like he didn't want to hear it. He also wanted to see studies done to show the effectiveness of the HCGFO. I just told him that that's what i've been using and it's worked great for me. So how do you guys feel about both and any Pros or Cons on using both of the products. Just curious....

  2. Over the weekend I created another rock tower. All i need now is a center piece but havn't decided whether to use a Holey Rock or create one of dry reef rock. It won't be a tower but will have several caves.


    I think they came out pretty good just left a lot of dust in the water so i'm going to have to siphon it out later.

  3. Where might one find that acrylic rod locally? Regal?

    Well i work for a manufacturing shop and those were some of the scraps i just picked up. But you're correct in Regal plastics. If you need a piece or two i can probably get if for you.

    I'm going to try old tent stakes, you know the ones that slip together for the little dome tents.

    of course will cut off the little metal end.. and see how that works

    Yeah that will work. It's only plastic so it should work out fine. Just make sure the metal isn't inside that plastic. Also i think HomeDepot has some plastic rod also. Maybe Lowes....not sure though.

  4. Well after selling my 55 gl i've had for over 2 years i got the itch to UPGRADE!! I purchased a used 90gl from a fellow ARC member. It's a DSA Reef Ready tank and got a basic stand for it for the meantime. I plan on making it a FOWLR tank for now because we moved back into an apartment and don't want to go through the hastle of moving coral, sand, and a lot of equipment like the last time. I'm excited to get fish that i really want but couldn't do with a reef system.

    For now here is a list of my equipment and i will update this first page as i continue working on my 90. It will be a slow process but it will be fun starting over again.


    90 gallon DSA Reef Ready tank,

    500 gallon return, (going to upgrade that very soon)

    T5HO lights 1 actinic, 1 10k, ( upgrade soon also)

    Stand (bought in San Antonio for real cheap)

    29 gallon sump, ( home made simple sump)

    Skimmer that doesnt fit under there so now i'm on the look out for another one. Not sure what yet.

    Still need to build a canopy for it.


    None at the moment

    Live rock towers:

    1 at the moment but waiting for more rock to make some cool designs with it.

    Here of some pics of the rock tower i made:


    And of the tank with the light on and rock work on one side:


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