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Posts posted by victoly

  1. You definitely want warmer range lights. When I was hot and heavy into planted tanks I used a combo of 10k and 6500k (50:50) and am fairly certain that this could be reproduced with LEDs. Check out BAMF aquatics LEDs. Gabe knows his stuff.

  2. Worth every penny. Don't sweat that its called "jr", it has all the same capabilities as the Aquacontroller. I don't know why they are even making the Aquacontroller any more. Btw, you really don't need the display monitor (sold sep.) if you have an Iphone. I have both and do everything thru the Iphone and never use the display. I found that the additional probes you can add such as ORP, salinity and pH were interesting for about a week then I simply stopped paying attention to them since they really don't tell you what you really want to know about your water parameters - kh, calcium, mg, etc.

    Do they make one of those? A controller that will tell you what you really want to know - kh, calcium, mg, etc??? I'm too lazy to test all the time - I just want a machine to tell me if I'm too low or high and how much to add. Anyone got one of those?

    Nope :( The colorimeters from hanna are really your best bet on quick checking.

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